I dont want to concern you but,,,,,,


Dancing Up A Storm
ok, here is where it stands.
I have new drugs. yes, already filled and started thank you very much.

the doc is making me keep nitro with me .4mg or something like that.

I have to go back to get a 48 hour monitor thing put on. I have to get a sonogram of my arteries in my neck, and the arteries in my abdomen, suspects an anurism (sp) or something.

I also have to have a stress test, but due to my foot issue, it is a chemically induced stress test. ( not sure about this, will explain later)

other than that, Im not supposed to do any lifting or anything until then.. Like thats an issue with my lazy ass.

What's the bottom line here?

bcp, do what the Doc tells you to do, that is, if you want to keep walking this earth! :eyebrow: Take the meds he prescribes for you, and continue to harass us with your wit and good cheer, heah? :razz:

Nanny Pam

ok, here is where it stands.
I have new drugs. yes, already filled and started thank you very much.

the doc is making me keep nitro with me .4mg or something like that.

I have to go back to get a 48 hour monitor thing put on. I have to get a sonogram of my arteries in my neck, and the arteries in my abdomen, suspects an anurism (sp) or something.

I also have to have a stress test, but due to my foot issue, it is a chemically induced stress test. ( not sure about this, will explain later)

other than that, Im not supposed to do any lifting or anything until then.. Like thats an issue with my lazy ass.

:huggy: please keep us informed. :kiss:


New Member
ok, here is where it stands.
I have new drugs. yes, already filled and started thank you very much.

the doc is making me keep nitro with me .4mg or something like that.

I have to go back to get a 48 hour monitor thing put on. I have to get a sonogram of my arteries in my neck, and the arteries in my abdomen, suspects an anurism (sp) or something.

I also have to have a stress test, but due to my foot issue, it is a chemically induced stress test. ( not sure about this, will explain later)

other than that, Im not supposed to do any lifting or anything until then.. Like thats an issue with my lazy ass.

who is your Dr?

I had a stent put in about a year and a half ago, and luckily no problems so far.

I just had an echo last week, no biggy there, and i had a stress test about 6 months ago, the regular kind. I had somthing similar where they hook you up with a wire in your heart and rev you up and down while watching the electrical responses. it was the weirdest thing i had ever encountered. your heart is pumping at 160 bpm but you are laying still and not winded, it will probably feel similar to you.

good luck
It sure is fun when you go to your office medical center and the nurse/Dr. there says..."So do you want to call 911, or shall I?"


New Member
Did the Doc say where the aneurysm was? Did they comfirm it or are they going to do a MRI, CT, etc? That being said follow his orders and lift no more than 5 lbs. If it is an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm lifting can cause it to rupture and well, that would not be good at all. My Dad had one about 20 years ago, they went in and did a patch job, fine ever since except for the MI he had while cutting grass, he did finish the grass though, that was about 15 years ago.

Re-read your post and saw arterial sono. when are they doing that?
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In My Opinion
Re-read your post and saw arterial sono. when are they doing that?
everything gets done next week.
Personally, Im getting tired of all this crap, most of which was either caused by, or greatly contributed to by the smoking all my life (thats a hint for those that have not quit)

Oh well, I guess when you live your whole life with the "It cant happen to me" mindset, sooner or later someone is going to slap the crap out of you and prove that it can.


In My Opinion
had my sono's, found nothing bad.
then they did the chemical stress test thing,, was normal..

so now, they stuck the 48 hour monitor on me to try and catch the heart doing what its doing..

by the way, that chemical stress test thing? let me give a run down for those thinking on it.
first the give you some radioactive crap in your veins that is supposed to lodge in the heart muscles.
30 minutes later the take pictures of the heart. 15 minutes
after another short rest they bring you to the treadmill room, you feel good sitting there looking at the thing knowing that this time around you will not be tortured with it.
then they say the are going to start the IV with the crap that speeds up the heart. (pretty sure it has a name other than crap)
the next five minutes are the longest in your life, you feel the cool "crap" entering your vein, then your face feels flush, and you start to get dizzzy, the heart starts to speed up, you start to lose you breath almost like you just ran from the police after stealing a box of Krispy Kreams..
those doctors and such attending this function stand around looking at the monitor while discussing who they are boinking in the office,,, or something to that effect, you on the other hand are just waiting to die.

then they pull the IV and in about 2 minutes you are back to totally feeling normal.
this is where they give you the cookies and orange juice.
another resting period and you get to go back in and have a second set of pictures taken.


wandering aimlessly
. 15 minutes
after another short rest they bring you to the treadmill room, you feel good sitting there looking at the thing knowing that this time around you will not be tortured with it.
then they say the are going to start the IV with the crap that speeds up the heart. (pretty sure it has a name other than crap)
the next five minutes are the longest in your life, you feel the cool "crap" entering your vein, then your face feels flush, and you start to get dizzzy, the heart starts to speed up, you start to lose you breath almost like you just ran from the police after stealing a box of Krispy Kreams..
those doctors and such attending this function stand around looking at the monitor while discussing who they are boinking in the office,,, or something to that effect, you on the other hand are just waiting to die.

Sorry, but that was hilarious. :lmao: I will no longer whine about having to run the treadmill.
Glad to hear that test results are looking good up so far.
had my sono's, found nothing bad.
then they did the chemical stress test thing,, was normal..

so now, they stuck the 48 hour monitor on me to try and catch the heart doing what its doing..

by the way, that chemical stress test thing? let me give a run down for those thinking on it.
first the give you some radioactive crap in your veins that is supposed to lodge in the heart muscles.
30 minutes later the take pictures of the heart. 15 minutes
after another short rest they bring you to the treadmill room, you feel good sitting there looking at the thing knowing that this time around you will not be tortured with it.
then they say the are going to start the IV with the crap that speeds up the heart. (pretty sure it has a name other than crap)
the next five minutes are the longest in your life, you feel the cool "crap" entering your vein, then your face feels flush, and you start to get dizzzy, the heart starts to speed up, you start to lose you breath almost like you just ran from the police after stealing a box of Krispy Kreams..
those doctors and such attending this function stand around looking at the monitor while discussing who they are boinking in the office,,, or something to that effect, you on the other hand are just waiting to die.

then they pull the IV and in about 2 minutes you are back to totally feeling normal.
this is where they give you the cookies and orange juice.
another resting period and you get to go back in and have a second set of pictures taken.

Sounds stressful. I did the treadmill a while back and watched a woman who had just done the chemical one. She looked bad. Scared and tired and then she fell asleep. Next they'll want you to get an angiogram.


Watch it
had my sono's, found nothing bad.
then they did the chemical stress test thing,, was normal..

so now, they stuck the 48 hour monitor on me to try and catch the heart doing what its doing..

by the way, that chemical stress test thing? let me give a run down for those thinking on it.
first the give you some radioactive crap in your veins that is supposed to lodge in the heart muscles.
30 minutes later the take pictures of the heart. 15 minutes
after another short rest they bring you to the treadmill room, you feel good sitting there looking at the thing knowing that this time around you will not be tortured with it.
then they say the are going to start the IV with the crap that speeds up the heart. (pretty sure it has a name other than crap)
the next five minutes are the longest in your life, you feel the cool "crap" entering your vein, then your face feels flush, and you start to get dizzzy, the heart starts to speed up, you start to lose you breath almost like you just ran from the police after stealing a box of Krispy Kreams..
those doctors and such attending this function stand around looking at the monitor while discussing who they are boinking in the office,,, or something to that effect, you on the other hand are just waiting to die.

then they pull the IV and in about 2 minutes you are back to totally feeling normal.
this is where they give you the cookies and orange juice.
another resting period and you get to go back in and have a second set of pictures taken.

OMG, I had one of those (at the ripe old age of 21 many years ago) and it was NOT fun. Everything was fine, and then he said something like "and now you will feel..." and I hit the floor. Turned out to be a nervous system/low blood pressure prob for me. Almost vomited on the doc's shoes. Very uncomfy.

Thanks for the updates. I was wondering how you were doing!