Help "Invisible Dogs"
not all are bad, but when they do eff up they cause a lot more damage than a lab, corgi or a poodle. It is niave to think that you can be in complete control of a dog and predict what it will do, especially a pit....
the fact of the matter is that some dogs are vicious, and some breeds tend to be more so then not.
You can have just as much control of a pit as you can any breed - IT'S OWNER TRAINING that makes the difference. The problem as you point out is the damage they can do. I have seen a number of dogs more vicious than a pit, they just can't do the damage.
84.3% of Pits tested with the ATT passed the test
81.7% of the Cocker Spaniels
79.4% collies
69.2% Lhasa Apso
All Dogs Bite
One thing we can all agree on, the proponents of pits will doubtfully change our minds (as we will admit not all pits are good) like the opponents will rarely change theirs until they have an opportunity to be around one.