I friggen knew it!



Here I have been walking around on my foot for over a month and kept telling my doc I think I have a fracture. He took xrays, no nothing here. I went back due to the pain, he ordered a bone scan, no nothing there. Went back because I am beside myself in pain and he finally wrapped it in a bandage and sent me for an MRI. I went for the MRI Friday, they didn't get the results by my appt. time today (you would think they would have called me and canceled) he looks at the films they gave me of the MRI and says I'm no expert but I don't see anything. So he sticks a needle into the top of my foot with numbsit stuff (Thank God my son was the only one out in the waiting room, cause I screamed! :faint:) Get home about an hour goes by and I'll be damned if they don't call me and tell me the Radiology guy says there is a fracture and you need to come in and get a cast put on in the morning. I'm like G really!!!! :smack:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
:huggy: So. Maryland Orthopedics never did figure out whether I broke my ankle two years ago.. They "couldn't tell" because I had had two surgeries on it previously. So, they gave me a boot to wear until it quit hurting.


:huggy: So. Maryland Orthopedics never did figure out whether I broke my ankle two years ago.. They "couldn't tell" because I had had two surgeries on it previously. So, they gave me a boot to wear until it quit hurting.

This was a Podiatrist, you would think he would know the signs and symptoms of a fracture in the foot! Apparently not. :mad:


Was it Hertz? I love him. His partner is a pretty boy, but I don't like him.

Yes it was, and how did you know that? :eyebrow:

It's Idol that will be putting the cast on tomorrow, and I DO NOT like him!


Might just be hard on one side and soft on the other. I fractured my foot years ago. I was in a soft cast and after about 2 weeks I was fine.

I had actually fractured this foot a few years ago and I remember the cast being a hard cast but could not remember if I walked on it or not. They had me in that thing for 6 weeks. :confused:


I bowl overhand
This was a Podiatrist, you would think he would know the signs and symptoms of a fracture in the foot! Apparently not. :mad:

They can identify Warts, and Corns. I'd think an Orthopedist would be more experienced in the fracture dept.

BUT after month with a broken foot, what's a cast supposed to do?
They can identify Warts, and Corns. I'd think an Orthopedist would be more experienced in the fracture dept.

BUT after month with a broken foot, what's a cast supposed to do?

A proper cast will put the fly just upstream of the feeding trout and...oh, nevermind.


Well-Known Member
I broke my ankle in 7 spots and SMH's Xray tech did not notice it. Their radiologist called me the next day. I knew it was broken. It was so incredilbly swollen and I could not walk on it. I had surgery the next day. It's still messed. Dr. Bauk is a pompous jerk.


New Member
I'd say a fiberglass one might do the trick too, plus it won't get all soggy and wet! :yay:

Speaking of your foot getting wet, CVS sells this good cover you can use in the shower to keep your foot from getting wet I use it to cover my IV Picc line but it shows a picture on the back of the box showing someone using it for their foot and it only cost around $5 or $6 dollar's.It's on the same aisle with the bandages. CVS Shower Sleeve One Size
"The CVS Pharmacy Shower Sleeve provides a safe, easy and effective method to keep injuries dry. Cuts, burns, abrasions, post-surgical incisions, casts, IV and PICC lines. Universal design protects hand, arm, knee, foot or leg. Latex free. One size fits all. Reusable. Includes: One 30 inch shower sleeve."