I hab a code


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I never get the flu. I smoke too much and the nicotine kills the bugs. Shoot, my cold will be gone by tomorrow.

Kyle has had this "thing" for about two weeks. He had a coughing spell last night that about killed him. I wanted to take a picture of the cold and flu remedies I bought for him, just for giggles...But laziness won.

The cold/flu meds can only help with the symptoms for so long. Your body really needs the fluids and rest and recuperative environment to get better.

Unfortunately, as you know, it's hard to take time off for such a thing - so I'd suck down the fluids, take the Mucinex and cold meds. Gargle with salt water and get horizontal as often as you can.

On K's side of the bed, the Vick's minivaporizor is still running and we picked up Puff's w/Vick's today. And he's even been turning on the heat on the mattress pad recently as he's been really cold.

As for me, I've had a headache for 3 days now. Nothing else really to complain about. Just rundown. Hopefully, it won't really hit me. :shrug:

Hope you feel better! :smooch:



I worked with somebody who swore they never got sick too because they smoked and you know what? She had to quit for heart reasons and got sick all the time after she quit.

Makes ya wonder.

Oh man can I relate to that! I quit 12 yrs. ago and my body has gone downhill ever since! But there is no way I will ever smoke again! I can't handle the smell anymore. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's true...

...nicotine is a damn good bug killer. Cigarettes take care of the little bugs so that your immune system can focus on the big ones; like fighting off cancer cells.


When I first quit, over six years ago, I got sick a little more than before. Then, I went to the dentist...

FLOSS, people, FLOSS, eat blueberries every other day, go to the gym. Drink beer. I haven't been sick in years. :buddies:


Should be Huntin
I was almost thinking about going to the ER this morning. Friday I had a little to drink, Saturday I felt a little rough. Yesterday I was just dragging all day figure 2 day hangover must have done it good friday night. Well last night I could not sleep at all. One second I was freezing cold shivering, then two min later I was burning up. That went on all night. When I got up this morning I felt funny, light headed and dizzy. I am at work now and still do not feel good. Head is hurting, freezing cold then burning hot. Feel like I have to throw up. Oh what a way to start off the week


Well-Known Member
The "flu" has arrived folks-upper respiratory and GI track as well-just hope and pray you don't get both at the same time!:faint:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
...nicotine is a damn good bug killer. Cigarettes take care of the little bugs so that your immune system can focus on the big ones; like fighting off cancer cells.


When I first quit, over six years ago, I got sick a little more than before. Then, I went to the dentist...

FLOSS, people, FLOSS, eat blueberries every other day, go to the gym. Drink beer. I haven't been sick in years. :buddies:
Do cigars count?

... Not that crazy about blueberrys but I'll have to add extra beer to my medicine cabinet.


High Octane
I was almost thinking about going to the ER this morning. Friday I had a little to drink, Saturday I felt a little rough. Yesterday I was just dragging all day figure 2 day hangover must have done it good friday night. Well last night I could not sleep at all. One second I was freezing cold shivering, then two min later I was burning up. That went on all night. When I got up this morning I felt funny, light headed and dizzy. I am at work now and still do not feel good. Head is hurting, freezing cold then burning hot. Feel like I have to throw up. Oh what a way to start off the week
Sounds exactly like what ive had since Sunday night...

Hope you all feel better soon!

I finally took some NyQuil last night and that let me get some sleep for the first time all week.....i feel much better today.

Vrai...my "sick" thread must have gotten yiou sick; Im sorry!


Well-Known Member
The flu is here ya'll. Friend has it now, 102 temp since monday. He says he's dying! (wuzz, try having labor pains!) Walking like a little old man his body hurts so bad. Finally gave up and is heading to the doctor this afternoon. Chills, fever, cough, bodyaches, and the worst of all, he's had the sheitz horribly.:lalala: Yep, flu has arrived.


High Octane
The flu is here ya'll. Friend has it now, 102 temp since monday. He says he's dying! (wuzz, try having labor pains!) Walking like a little old man his body hurts so bad. Finally gave up and is heading to the doctor this afternoon. Chills, fever, cough, bodyaches, and the worst of all, he's had the sheitz horribly.:lalala: Yep, flu has arrived.

Guess thats what i have then.... :dead: