I hate COVID


Well-Known Member
I mean - by and large - it's over. We're still seeing cases, but near as I can tell, no one is getting seriously ill anymore.
Every place including the vet do not require masks.

Except hospitals. Mind you, my mom CAUGHT COVID at a hospital - but we have a surgery scheduled soon and they want a SPECIFIC kind of COVID test and done on one and only one date.

We can pull it off. I think.

But dammitall, am I the only one who wants to scream, damn you guys, admit it, it's over, it's been two years. Get over it.


Well-Known Member
I mean - by and large - it's over. We're still seeing cases, but near as I can tell, no one is getting seriously ill anymore.
Every place including the vet do not require masks.

Except hospitals. Mind you, my mom CAUGHT COVID at a hospital - but we have a surgery scheduled soon and they want a SPECIFIC kind of COVID test and done on one and only one date.

We can pull it off. I think.

But dammitall, am I the only one who wants to scream, damn you guys, admit it, it's over, it's been two years. Get over it.
I just got over it, basically 4 days with the sniffles, fever and a cough. This was a walk in the park compared to the flu. Wife had it at the same time, suffered a bit more than I. No jabs for either of us.


Well-Known Member
I hate it too. You just had to bring it up again. It's been so nice not seeing that word mentioned on the forums :smack:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I mean - by and large - it's over. We're still seeing cases, but near as I can tell, no one is getting seriously ill anymore.
Every place including the vet do not require masks.

I had a recent Dr. and Dentist appointments and both of those offices are still requiring masks.

The dentist office requires it from the lobby to the chair, then take it off so they can work for however long it takes, then rewear it from the chair to the exit door. :doh:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
For the last year + I've been living in Florida and it's been over since before I got here. There are a handful of holdout medical facilities still requiring masks, but everything else is back to pre-covid normal (not that new normal the progs were demanding).
Family member had emergency surgery at Medstar Washington Hospital a couple weeks ago. He had covid first week of January 2021 so he has natural immunity and refuses to be vaccinated. I am so glad the his injury didn't happen 6 months ago or so because they would have probably refused him surgery.

Only one medical member raised an eyebrow regarding him having zero COVID19 vaccinations. Nobody else blinked an eye and he was seen by many.


Well-Known Member
I had a recent Dr. and Dentist appointments and both of those offices are still requiring masks.

The dentist office requires it from the lobby to the chair, then take it off so they can work for however long it takes, then rewear it from the chair to the exit door. :doh:
It is insanity to walk in to the dentist with a mask and go back for a cleaning. All the rooms are open via the hallway. You can hear every other patient with their mouth wide open and have to put the paper mask back on to walk out. All for show.


Well-Known Member
I've hated it from the beginning. I never understood the lockdowns. I'm was always in favor of protecting the folks it could effect like my mother that is a lung cancer survivor. We knew the obese were an issue but no one screamed "lose a few pounds". The focus was never on "How do we treat" because it was more of power high to say let's lockdown everything. You lose your business sorry but here is$1.4K stimulus to make it better. I seriously never thought this country would roll over and give up as it did under Covid but you know when they preach that you have to do it "for everyone" the guilt apparently wins.

I also went to the dentist the other day and had to have them give me a mask. I'm not supplying them anymore. If you want me to wear one then provide it because I don't have one.


Active Member
You lose your business sorry but here is$1.4K stimulus to make it better.
At least get your Eeyore talking points right (oh I hate COVID, I’m so sad….you think you’re alone in that sentiment?)

Trump created the PPP which gave all levels of businesses what were effectively grants, nearly 1trillion dollars were injected into the economy under his program.

…and we wonder why inflation is out of control



the poor dad
So to those going to a doctor or dentist office and being told to put on your face diaper, what are you doing or saying to them? I would be telling them it has been proven these things don't work and refuse to wear it and depending on the urgency of the visit would probably just turn around and walk out after asking everyone else sitting in the waiting room to do the same. As long as we comply like good little sheep, it will continue.

Is this nonsense still coming from the state or is it coming from my favorite mean girl or is it the decision of each individual medical office?


Just sneakin' around....
Is this nonsense still coming from the state or is it coming from my favorite mean girl or is it the decision of each individual medical office?
It's more likely the office itself, and the "they're doing it, so I should too" attitude.

I had emergency tooth work in Arkansas. The staff all wore masks, but none of the patients did or were required at any time.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
There are bots on here talking about Clinton this morning, yes Clinton, Bill Clinton!

Me mentioning the likely GOP nominee for 2024, how he created the PPP, injecting over a trillion dollars into the economy, started runaway inflation, and has threatened to do it again…yeah, I’ll keep bringing that up.

There was exactly one such comment this morning from a longtime member that isn't a bot. So, where are all these bots you seem to always lie about?


Active Member
There was exactly one such comment this morning from a longtime member that isn't a bot. So, where are all these bots you seem to always lie about?
The frequency of posts by that account and the times of posting, basically around the clock, point to at least a partially automated account.


Active Member
There was exactly one such comment this morning from a longtime member that isn't a bot. So, where are all these bots you seem to always lie about?
And look, I get you folks get all twisted when I point out these failings about your dear leader. But Destantis has already brought up that there was too much stimulus due to COVID under Trump, he’s sharpening up for the primary if Trump does run and he’s going to hit him hard on what I’m sure he believes was what looks to be a disastrous response by Trump and his team over COVID.

Multiple fast tracked vaccines awarding billions to big pharma and trillions sent into the economy with little to no tracking.