I hate Democrats


Well-Known Member
I have never been to a Morton's Steakhouse and am not willing to enter Washington DC to go to one, but to bring down this type of harassment on a restaurant because a Justice of the SCOTUS tried to eat there is fascism of the worst kind. These people are out of hand and a payback should be coming to them.

Wait for them to show up outside a vacation home and ruin others vacations. Cops in small towns might not like their intrusions.


Well-Known Member
Just once I'd like to see a supporting mob stand up and form a wall. Really. I'd love to see them pick on a judge or Senator and out of nowhere ten guys stand up and crack their knuckles.

These people are cowards - they can harass and intimidate, because they know no one can fight back.
It is not "brave" to stand up for your beliefs if you risk nothing.
Their tune will change in a heartbeat if anyone challenges them.


Well-Known Member
Just once I'd like to see a supporting mob stand up and form a wall. Really. I'd love to see them pick on a judge or Senator and out of nowhere ten guys stand up and crack their knuckles.

These people are cowards - they can harass and intimidate, because they know no one can fight back.
It is not "brave" to stand up for your beliefs if you risk nothing.
Their tune will change in a heartbeat if anyone challenges them.
They are breaking the law by harassing the justices.
Arrest them and hold them for 30 day. That would break it up-=-----fast.


Well-Known Member
They are breaking the law by harassing the justices.
Arrest them and hold them for 30 day. That would break it up-=-----fast.
I already don't know why they aren't arresting them. And that includes protesting at their homes.

Put it this way - you're the judge in a murder case - and people are protesting outside your home. We all understand THAT would be illegal, right? You should not use pressure tactics to get a judge to rule one way or another. A judge is supposed to use their judgment according to the law.

Imagine if a mob formed outside the home of a potential WITNESS. Why wouldn't THAT be a crime? Well it is.

Somehow, the justification was made that these crowds did not form a THREAT, as if that mattered in the law that needs applying. Well, excuse me, but someone DID try to assassinate one of them. Yes, it's a threat. Evidently, MAKING threats isn't a problem until someone actually TRIES it.

And not even THEN.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
So some of the Dem poll workers at Mechanicsville early voting decided they did not like the Republican signs being near their tent today, so they pulled them up and moved them to the unused side of the parking lot. There are photos and they were required to put them back while the election judge watched.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
So some of the Dem poll workers at Mechanicsville early voting decided they did not like the Republican signs being near their tent today, so they pulled them up and moved them to the unused side of the parking lot. There are photos and they were required to put them back while the election judge watched.
Typical Democrats.

Ill-mannered, petulant little crap bags.