I Hate to Pick on Dean But...



There's just too much crap being offered up by this guy to ignore. :biggrin:

Get this... Howard Dean is taking off this weekend, yes... the one right before a hotly contested election day, to go to Plains, GA to attend church with Jimmy Carter. And said former president is reported to be endorsing Dean following the church service. Dean's people released a written statement saying "This event is not expected to be an endorsement event." Yeah... and I'm really a Chinese jet pilot. :biggrin:

Now, why would any candidate fly across the country to attend a church service in the middle of friggin' nowhere, right before a critical election, except for the purposes of getting endorsed by someone at said church? How stupid do Dean's people think Americans are? Why can't they just come out and tell the truth about this? What would it hurt to say that Dean's jetting over to Plains to get an endorsement from Jimmy Carter? Maybe even add in a bit of crap about how he's wanting to get more involved in southern religious activities?

If I were Carter I wouldn't be standing too close to Dean or his people outside the church... the lightning strike might get him too.:biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
I Hate to Pick on Dean But...
Oh, you do not! :lmao:

He's just so pick-onable. But so was Clinton and look where it got him - two term Butt of All Good Jokes.


Actually, I really don't like picking on Dean because I honestly and sincerely do hope that he wins the nomination.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member


I completely and utterly regret

... not having seen this speech.

I've seen a part of it, where he was shouting out names of states, but from what I've seen there wasn't anything about it that would cause such a meteoric drop in his standing. I know that it did - but I don't know why.

Maybe it was the final YEAGHAAAH (which I missed).

Anyone know if his entire "speech" is online anywhere?


Football addict
id rather have

Originally posted by Bruzilla
Actually, I really don't like picking on Dean because I honestly and sincerely do hope that he wins the nomination.

id rather have Bush and im not a big fan of Bush :lol:


New Member
Re: I completely and utterly regret

Originally posted by Toxick
... not having seen this speech.

I've seen a part of it, where he was shouting out names of states, but from what I've seen there wasn't anything about it that would cause such a meteoric drop in his standing. I know that it did - but I don't know why.

Maybe it was the final YEAGHAAAH (which I missed).

Anyone know if his entire "speech" is online anywhere?

I found it on C-Span's website.

I really didn't see that much craziness about it either. Before I saw it, I was under the impression that it was all about being a bad loser or something, but all I got from watching it was that he was rallying the troops. I still don't understand what the big broohaha was about. :confused:


CBS News

... has a copy in a Windows Media Player friendly format.

Well apparently I didn't miss much of the speech as I had initially thought. And now that I've seen the whole thing, I can't help but wonder what the big ####ing deal is.

If he was my boy, I would have been charged and excited by his energy and enthusiam. If Perot or Dukakis ( or Gore :lmao: ) had shown that kind of electricity this country might be in quite a different position than it is now.

The primal scream there at the end was rather unsettling, but still nothing that seems to me that would lead to such a plummet in his popularity level.


Watch the speech again, and look at the expression on Dean's face as he starts talking about going to California and on to DC. He doesn't look charged, he looks mad.

I thought the best commentary on the speech came from AL Sharpton during the last debate: "I wouldn't worry about screaming Governor. If I had spent all that time and money in Iowa and only gotten 18%, I would still be screaming.":biggrin:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...in my view Dean was simply charging his kids up. The Deanbots were down in the dumps after their guy was unceremoniously shown the door by Iowaneans (?).

This is NOT that big a deal.

Clark lying his ass off and Kerry with his "Bill Clinton as Herman Munster" imitation is the scary crap. I think these people are the crazy ones.

Anyone get a kick out of Rev. Al going on and on about the IMF and Pete Jennings butting in "excuse me Rev, but I was asking about the Federal Reserve..."

Al: "Oh, yeah...uh...I don't know a damn thing about that either..."

These candy asses leave it to the media to off the Clown.


New Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Watch the speech again, and look at the expression on Dean's face as he starts talking about going to California and on to DC. He doesn't look charged, he looks mad.

I thought the best commentary on the speech came from AL Sharpton during the last debate: "I wouldn't worry about screaming Governor. If I had spent all that time and money in Iowa and only gotten 18%, I would still be screaming.":biggrin:

But if we have to look that hard to see it, aren't we over-analyzing?

I can see maybe with his past record people would do that, though. I guess I just haven't dug far enough into the archives to be able to instantly see a problem w/his speech.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The other night they had a documentary on Hitler on the History Channel. When he was addressing the faithful, his tone and inflection sounded just like Howard Dean - this crazed nut, screaming his head off, foaming at the mouth.

I make it my policy to never vote for a guy that comes off as a revivalist preacher when he makes a speech. Once they start that rabble-rousing crap, I put them on the mental compost heap. Anyone who talks like that to his supporters realizes they're a bunch of zealots who'll believe anything their idol tells them.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Hey Vrai! A new doll for your collection!


MANCHESTER, United States - Even if he doesn't win the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, former Vermont governor Howard Dean will still be able to go mano a mano against Republican George W. Bush.

A US toymaker is creating a "Mean Dean" action figure to match a doll they make of the US president. Available on the Herobuilders.com website, the foot-high talking doll comes clad in a Confederate flag T-shirt, army pants and black boots.

The poseable figure recites some of the Democratic candidate's most controversial statements, including his declarations that "white folks in the South that drive pickup trucks with Confederate flag decals in the back ought to be voting with us" and "the capture of Saddam (Hussein) has not made America safer."

Both statements landed the former Vermont governor in hot water with the general US public, as well as with his own Democratic Party.

As shown on the website, the muscle-bound Dean doll has its mouth wide open, depicting the candidate in full rant mode, spoofing his outburst Monday, when he responded to his poor showing in the Iowa caucuses with a defiant tirade.

There was no indication on the website, however, that the doll would utter the now-infamous "Yeeeearrgh!" scream that concluded the outburst.

The doll will be available next month for 35.95 dollars, according to the website.

Several other political action figures available from the company include models of Bush, California "Governator" Arnold Schwarzenegger, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and captured Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, sporting an "Ace of Spades" T-shirt.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The other night they had a documentary on Hitler on the History Channel. When he was addressing the faithful, his tone and inflection sounded just like Howard Dean - this crazed nut, screaming his head off, foaming at the mouth.

I make it my policy to never vote for a guy that comes off as a revivalist preacher when he makes a speech. Once they start that rabble-rousing crap, I put them on the mental compost heap. Anyone who talks like that to his supporters realizes they're a bunch of zealots who'll believe anything their idol tells them.

You have a legitimate concern.

For me, it's not just the emotional delivery, it's also the fearmongering. Not only Hitler, but George Wallace and Strom Thurmond were excellent at this. Some of the televangelists do this too, except they play to homophobia instead of racism. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton use fear as well, implying that white people want to turn back the clock on civil rights.

It's all despicable, and it works partly because of the delivery. I think part (not all) of the reason Mondale and Dukakis lost big in the 1980s because they had little personality in their public speaking. Hard to manipulate people's fears when you're boring them to death.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
He really bent some minds out of shape with this thought.
What's frightening is that this is nothing new. The press is acting like this guy has undergone a drastic change or something. But this is the exact same Howard Dean he's been since he threw his hat in the ring. He's been saying all along that the Iraqis were better off with Saddam in power.

What's disturbing is that he was the front-runner, despite his obvious mental illness, for several months. There are gobs of people out there that listened to him spew this garbage and supported him vehemently. Now, suddenly, he's out of the media's favor and not their darling anymore, so they'll shine a brighter light on his psychosis and pretend he's gone round the bend.

I hope they decide to go after Clark too - HE'S got mental problems. I'll take Kerry over Clark any day of the week. Kerry may be an lying elitist kept man, but at least he's not insane.