I have an Idea...


Super Genius
aps45819 said:
I don't think he's mentaly stable
Chief Wiggum: I told you. You don't get your gun until you tell me your name.


SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
Crow Bait said:
Why don't we get Mr. Dick Brain a gun and a badge so we can stop hearing about this police non-sense?

I think that's a great idea...he would help clean up this place!

Richard Cranium

New Member
I wouldn't make it as a cop around here. I'd be too busy making a presence known around Canopy Liquors and the A&E Motel getting some drugs off the street, rather than sitting in a parking lot 2 blocks north trying to pick off the occasional driver doing 31 in a 25.

Second, I would be considered an outsider, because I don't tackle defenseless drunk girls to the ground without reason.

Finally, I'd never be an associate of someone like smcop or somdwhiner. I can barely stand their bleeding gashes here, and there's no way I'd be able to fit in a squad car with their ego.


24/7 Single Dad
Richard Cranium said:
I don't tackle defenseless drunk girls to the ground without reason.
It's been my experience that if you're on the ground with a drunk girl, it's not difficult to discover a reason to stay there.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
I wouldn't make it as a cop around here. I'd be too busy making a presence known around Canopy Liquors and the A&E Motel getting some drugs off the street, rather than sitting in a parking lot 2 blocks north trying to pick off the occasional driver doing 31 in a 25.

Second, I would be considered an outsider, because I don't tackle defenseless drunk girls to the ground without reason.

Finally, I'd never be an associate of someone like smcop or somdwhiner. I can barely stand their bleeding gashes here, and there's no way I'd be able to fit in a squad car with their ego.
Richard, you always talk about this girl being tackled, yet you have no evidence to support this! I wonder if there is evidence to support the arrest of this "defenseless girl" who was driving this 5000 pound missle while so intoxicated she could barely stand up? Oh, let me answer that question! Yes! There is! She was in fact intoxicated! Hmmmm sounds defenseless to me?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Kain99 said:
You think he's chubby?
Chubby wasn't a disqualifier back home in Houston. We had one sherriff that weighed in close to 275 I bet. When he told you to stop, you sure as hell didn't run because he wasn't going to run you down. :lol: