I have seen enough...


Set Trippin
Time to relieve Brunell of his duties, throw Campbell in and roll with it for the rest of the year....

Nanny Pam

I was too depressed after the Eagles lost. I took a nap. But all the cussing my hubby is doing at the skins....he woke me up.


mainman said:
Time to relieve Brunell of his duties, throw Campbell in and roll with it for the rest of the year....
It wont make any difference if all they try is to run it up the middle and 2 yard passes all nullified by penalty after penalty. Pretty damn pathetic.


PREMO Member
mainman said:
Time to relieve Brunell of his duties, throw Campbell in and roll with it for the rest of the year....
:whistle: I won money on the game, and I even had to give the Redskins 8 points. :yay:


I know nothing
Nanny Pam said:
I was too depressed after the Eagles lost. I took a nap. But all the cussing my hubby is doing at the skins....he woke me up.

Are the gods angry at philly???? 62 yard field goal... Give me a freaking break.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Today was just not pretty. Boy and dog came over, though, so my day is complete. I love them. Yoda now gives me hugs without peeing on the rug.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I gotta disagree...

mainman said:
Time to relieve Brunell of his duties, throw Campbell in and roll with it for the rest of the year....

...and here's why;

We're way too far along into the journey with too much having gone into the decision to get and stay with Mark.

Add to that the constant free agent turmoil.

Add to that the new offensive upheaval.

Add to that the fact that Mark is playing about as well as he has since he got here.

Add to that that, unlike last year where Mark stuck out so glaringly poor at times on a team that, otherwise was pretty good, now, the D is a catastrophe.

The ONLY thing going for us right now is the Gibbs mystique and if that goes, if he suddenly says, 'well, I was wrong about Mark all along' then everything is lost. Every player decision, every coaching choice, the play calling, the army of staff, with those few words 'I was wrong about Mark' would be like a patchwork quilt, frayed and odd looking yet seemingly sturdy and warm, suddenly coming apart as that one key thread unravels.

Gibbs can't argue now, at all, that Mark isn't doing exactly what was just fine, to Gibbs, all along. He can't tell the players that. He can't tell the fans that. He can't tell his coaches that. he can't tell himself that and get away with it. Mark has been the constant. The leader. The guy to take the arrows when we lose and pass the credit when we win. He's been the beacon Gibbs always pointed to as 'not the problem'.

I think changing now causes more problems than it solves. As long a Mark is healthy, the change is gonna have to wait until off season or when we're mathematically eliminated.


Set Trippin
Under Snyder we will always be a bust unless he changes his mentality... Spending millions of dollars every off season is not the answer, he needs to assemble a group of guys and let them play together... for a few years...

Or we could just pick Favre up this upcoming off season....


My Sweetest Boy
Drink up :yay:


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Larry Gude

Strung Out
He doesn't mean for it to...

mainman said:
Under Snyder we will always be a bust unless he changes his mentality... Spending millions of dollars every off season is not the answer, he needs to assemble a group of guys and let them play together... for a few years...

Or we could just pick Favre up this upcoming off season....

...turn out this way. Obviously, if there is THE way to get it done, no one has a monopoly on it's use.

It's almost getting more fun to watch how it, yet again, didn't work because enjoying 'steady progress' just ain't happening. I mean, over at ES, they've been talking for two weeks about just that very thing; what we need to go shopping for this next coming offseason.


Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
what we need to go shopping for this next coming offseason.

Why don't you guys put your checkbook away until the Texans get a look first. Don't need ya'll buying up all the good stuff.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
...you really think so?
I think your right Larry. I remember a few years ago under, Turner was it?, that the Skins were changing QB's every other game. that didn't work out too well. It will probably be better to stick with Brunell until at least the end of the season.