I just got booked...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
I am being serious. If some dude books you out of the blue, why wouldn't you check to see how often he's been booked...:shrug:
Makes perfect sense to me.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
I am being serious. If some dude books you out of the blue, why wouldn't you check to see how often he's been booked...:shrug:
:roflmao: Have you said these words out loud? :killingme With meaning? :lmao: And looked in the mirror while doing so? :roflmao:




100% Goapele Head!
It's official BFF news!!!

migtig said:
:rolleyes: It ain't playing to wait. He might be really cute right now, but tomorrow he might not seem so cute and you've already drooled on him and now you are stuck with a :loser:. It gives her time to cool her jets and he to cool his and it also let's him know that she ain't one who NEEDS his attention. Plus it gives her time to run a full background check on him and ask around and see if anybody knows anybody whose been there. :bubble:

Ok, you are my new best friend. :love: