i just noticed


I admit the butter thing was just a play on the old Seinfeld episode, but Im being serious now. This would help her out, and in another 2 years I will have my Dr degree anyways.

Good luck to you jp

Voice of reason get out here!

Yes but you need to add a cup of tartar sauce and a tablespoon of Tabasco.

Do you add them to the mayo or oatmeal bath?


Nothing to see here
i have a circular rash on my upper arm that has risen bumps that itches like no tomorrow. I also have rashes up and down both arms too which sucks. what could it be?

Chirpees, I'd see a doctor, but I think its untweetable.


Error 404
i have a circular rash on my upper arm that has risen bumps that itches like no tomorrow. I also have rashes up and down both arms too which sucks. what could it be?

DONT SCRATCH! Especially when you dont know what it is, im going to guess poison oak,ivy or maybe sumac. How long has it been there?


Maybe it's just me, but if I had a rash on both arms that was getting worse and itched, I'd be calling the doctor ASAP.

But that's just me. :coffee:

i did do that this am gwguy and i came in contact with something I am allergic to but have no clue what it is the doctor put me on steriods for 6 days and if that doesn't clear it up then I have to go back to teh doctor for her to look more into it and see whatelse she can give me cure the problem. I am sitting here right now trying not to dig the heck out of my arms as they both itch so darn bad :(
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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
i did do that this am gwguy and i came in contact with something I am allergic to but have no clue what it is the doctor put me on steriods for 6 days and if that doesn't clear it up then I have to go back to teh doctor for her to look more into it and see whatelse she can give me cure the problem. I am sitting here right now trying not to dig the heck out of my arms as they both itch so darn bad :(

Have you tried using Benedryl, either the pill form or the spray? I'd try the spray, as the pills can make you very tired.


believe it or not the doctor told me benadryl was useless to use on this kind of rash. she put me on steriods and gave me steriod cream which wont be in til tomorrow late afternoon at the pharmacy. Thanks for the suggestion BSGal :)

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
believe it or not the doctor told me benadryl was useless to use on this kind of rash. she put me on steriods and gave me steriod cream which wont be in til tomorrow late afternoon at the pharmacy. Thanks for the suggestion BSGal :)

Try it anyway. There is a reason they call doctors "practicing" physicians.