I'm reminded of a couple of parallels with the advancement of science. If you don't see the connection right away, bear with me a little.
Prior to the modern concept of our solar system, the Church and society at large were horrified at Galileo's assertion that Jupiter had its own moons - that little planets revolved around *anything* but the Earth itself. Even though the science was *obvious*, people would rather believe otherwise. They condemned Galileo even though anyone with a lick of sense knew he was right.
Later, when the planets were observed to move in peculiar paths - around the *Earth*, presumably - this was explained away by little "epicycles" - a kind of Spirograph loop-de-loop that the planets did to explain their apparent backward motion through space. When THAT model didn't explain things adequately, they further postulated that planets like Mars did even smaller and smaller loop-de-loops on the ones it already did. If you were to see the final drawings of what they postulated, you'd split your sides laughing.
Further, once a "geocentric" universe was debunked, people like Copernicus had a difficult time accepting that the universe wasn't "mathematically perfect" - that orbits MUST be perfect circles rather than ugly ellipses. It took Kepler to do that.
The thing is, in each case - and science is *REPLETE* with such idiocy - it was far, FAR simpler to accept a simple model that broke with pre-conceived notions than it was to support something idiotic and complex, but which supported ideas people already held. I mean, which is easier to believe is the truth - Mars orbits the SUN in a clean and completely predictable manner in an ellipse, or that it orbits the Earth in a circle but follows a weird looping pattern that escapes all manner of defining?
WHY do people want to prop up Social Security in the fashion it exists now, when it simply makes sense to create a *real* federal pension plan that actually makes money - in the very same manner that all people who plan for their retirement do? WHY are people even bothering to wonder - should we extend the age? Raise the cap? Raise the taxes? Tax the rich more? Why bother? This is like musing if Mars really wanders around the solar system - when, if you think intelligently - it's SO much more sensible to just accept that it doesn't work that way.
It makes SO MUCH MORE sense to create a pension plan that actually WORKS like a pension plan. We've got people all over the place saying "well it was only meant to be supplemental - you should invest your OWN money". Yeah. And how is THAT done?
What we SHOULD be asking is not the questions I mentioned earlier - we should be asking "What is it going to take to make federal pension plans like all other *successful* plans?".
Bush touched on ONE other concept, which is VEXING the Democrats - in his plan - it's not only your money, your offspring get to keep it. Why? 'Cuz it's YOUR money. Yours. You own it. Right now if you die before you draw any, the government just pockets it.
If everyone who works had a REAL, invested pension plan, there'd be no need for the elderly to be poor. I'm coming to the conclusion that government dependency IS a goal of the Democrats. Nothing else makes sense.