I know this is wrong but...


Cyber Bully Victim
Don't talk to the cops!

I know this is wrong but I am too poor to buy a computer and internet. So I borrow a laptop every so often and pick up on one of my neighbors wireless connection. My question is, can my neighbor tell when I am borrowing their internet? I might be currently doing this and my connection keeps going out and is hard to get back.

You might want to check out the "So I guess I'll be needing a lawyer" thread.



New Member
So I asked my neighbor. Guess what he said he didn't care even told me if I ever need to really use the internet and can't get on I can come over and ask him if it's locked.

Annie... I believe in God and was baptized Catholic went to catholic school for 2 years. Am I a practicing Catholic? Not really. Like you, I believe that when everyone's time comes we will have someone to answer to. But, I believe I will be answering to God not Annie. If I choose to do wrong than let that be my problem not yours. What is the saying, " don't throw stones when you live in a glass house"(not sure what the saying is exactly). Am I perfect? Far from it. Got something else for you... Few years back I lived next to a very poor family who had 4 kids and one job(honestly it was one of those girls that you want to scream at and say"get your tubes tied). Anyways, I broke the law then also. Every so often they would run out of food stamps and come over and get food from me. I too was on food stamps and would share mine with them so 4 children wouldn't starve. Technically I wasn't supposed to do this but couldn't let 4 kids who did nothing to deserve this starve. Was it illegal? yes. But in my oppinion I was doing what God would want me to do, help my neighbors and those in need. Would you like to report me for this also?


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with this and am laughing at all the holier than thou types who want to give OP a hard time about this. :lol:

The last thing in the world I would have featured either you or Larry for would be thieves, or people who would condone theft.

Just because the OP doesn't have to physically walk onto her neighbor's property to plug her CAT cable into their router doesn't mean she's not getting something she's not paying for.

Effectively, she's cyber-trespassing.

There are several active wireless networks in the area I live in, including a satellite link (probably the Comcast guy! :killingme), all of them but one or two are secured. Ours is secured as well, though I have to confess, it took a while to figure out how to do that. At any time during the time it took me to secure our network, if anyone had connected to our unsecured network, it would have been stealing.

I didn't have to "chose" to not secure our network; I had to become educated on how to do so. That doesn't matter. My "intent" isn't the issue.

That's an ISP they didn't have to pay, as well as a hub and wireless router they didn't have to buy. Plus, if they're big on downloading music, or whatever, that's bandwidth they're taking up that slows my internet browsing down.


Well-Known Member
I am very sweet if people are nice to me. I have also been through alot in my short life so far to know that I am living my life for me. I have said it before unless you are paying my bills, buying me nice things, or got that letter from God saying that if I just follow Kain rules I will get into heaven I will do what i must to survive.

Stealing internet access is survival?

You sound like a typical spoiled brat.


Well-Known Member
Who is the cheapest provider of wireless internet? :whistle:

sweatprincess' neighbor, apparently.

And to think, I'm paying for internet access every month when I could get it for free.

Wonder if that's part of the Change obamy was talking about.


Only happy When It Rains
I think if people in this day and age are stupid enough to leave their networks wide open, and not secure, then they deserve to have someone leech onto their signal.