I like my girlfriends


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Which is not to say I don't like my guy friends - two of my best friends in the world are guys. But there's something women share that creates a bond that you just don't get with the opposite sex.

I think women who say they prefer men as friends just haven't met the right women to connect with. Or maybe they don't want to connect. Or something.

Anyway, I like my girlfriends. :cheers:


New Member
I have 2 of the best girlfriends too!:yahoo: My friend Jess packed her 3 kids up and came to visit me without me asking them because i was worried about finding the results of my cancer test. That's a true friend. She lives in VA. It's only 3 hours away but when you got 3 kids all under 4 it's hard.


New Member
I like mine too, my wife can't stand them though.:ohwell:

That sucks but understandable for some. I however don't care who my Hubby is friends with as long as he doesn't get arrested. My hubby is cool with my guy friends and lets the crash here when they pass through.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Which is not to say I don't like my guy friends - two of my best friends in the world are guys. But there's something women share that creates a bond that you just don't get with the opposite sex.

I think women who say they prefer men as friends just haven't met the right women to connect with. Or maybe they don't want to connect. Or something.

Anyway, I like my girlfriends. :cheers:

I agree!

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I love my girlfriends because they know stuff :kiss:

I love my guy friends that have skills to fix things :buddies:


Well-Known Member
I love my Pooh31. She's my best girlfriend in the whole world. I honestly could not survive without her and all she does for me and my kids. She's the single most devoted friend I've ever have. If you're reading this...I love you to no end love.

My cousin is my other BFF. She's been there for me forever. She's more like a baby sister to me. I thank God for her. There are times that I'm not sure I could have made it without her emotional support. She's my rock.

And then there's a few other people that I adore. BSGal just rocks. She's just an awesome person.
Lovinmaryland, no matter what we've been thru I love you girl. It's great having you to chat with. There are things that I can only talk to you about. You're the eternal optimist and I need that from time to time. You're one of the few people that didn't have something negative to say when I told you how in love I am (again).

My stepmommy is right up there in the best friends list. She just always understands me. She's not judgemental with me. She just wants to see me happy. She is truly one of the coolest people ever.


Well-Known Member
:roflmao: Kodak moment.

I love my girlfriends because they don't care if I have a fat ass. :howdy:
I like big butts and I can not lie :smoochy:
I love my Pooh31. She's my best girlfriend in the whole world. I honestly could not survive without her and all she does for me and my kids. She's the single most devoted friend I've ever have. If you're reading this...I love you to no end love.

My cousin is my other BFF. She's been there for me forever. She's more like a baby sister to me. I thank God for her. There are times that I'm not sure I could have made it without her emotional support. She's my rock.

And then there's a few other people that I adore. BSGal just rocks. She's just an awesome person.
Lovinmaryland, no matter what we've been thru I love you girl. It's great having you to chat with. There are things that I can only talk to you about. You're the eternal optimist and I need that from time to time. You're one of the few people that didn't have something negative to say when I told you how in love I am (again).

My stepmommy is right up there in the best friends list. She just always understands me. She's not judgemental with me. She just wants to see me happy. She is truly one of the coolest people ever.


Every one deserve to be in love & happy :yay: