I love my house



There is just something about the Pledge! Brings back such innocent memories. Big Hug Vrai! :huggy:


Happy Camper
vraiblonde said:
I don't wear a hat, but I do say the Pledge with them :patriot:

:yeahthat: My hand would be over my heart and I would be saying the pledge right along with them too! :patriot: I have crickets, tree frogs, birds, cicadas... Ah, the sounds of nature! Love being out where you can hear it and see the stars!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
:lmao: My sis busted on me for that. I say that or 'exactly' WAY too often. I'm now paranoid about saying it at ALL. :jameo:
The Jazzinator busted!?! :yikes:


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I'm thinking the children at school need a bird feeder project. Something to attract starlings. It would be the start of a new wildlife/Board of Ed program. We need to come up with a name for the project, though. :shrug:


Happy Camper
BS Gal said:
I'm thinking the children at school need a bird feeder project. Something to attract starlings. It would be the start of a new wildlife/Board of Ed program. We need to come up with a name for the project, though. :shrug:

If I'm following the posts right, there is something here about Vrai and birds/bird feeders. So, how about "OyVrai" for the name of the project? :lmao:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
belvak said:
If I'm following the posts right, there is something here about Vrai and birds/bird feeders. So, how about "OyVrai" for the name of the project? :lmao:
She loves birds. If you'd like to donate a feeder, please PM me. TIA. :huggy: