I LOVE this...dementia care


Dream Stealer

I have always subscribed to this attitude. Especially with my very elderly patients. I had a patient once who was dying...and after being silent for weeks asked me for a coke. The nurse was like no, hes on an ADA diet..I went and got the man a flippen coke (and went to the machine too, no nasty shasta). For God's sake he was dying. Let him have a bit of comfort. He drank more of that coke than I had seen him eat or drink in weeks.

I would totally work in this place!

:killingme:killingme:killingme note the fake stop signs used in Germany. Too funny.


They're out to get us

I have always subscribed to this attitude. Especially with my very elderly patients. I had a patient once who was dying...and after being silent for weeks asked me for a coke. The nurse was like no, hes on an ADA diet..I went and got the man a flippen coke (and went to the machine too, no nasty shasta). For God's sake he was dying. Let him have a bit of comfort. He drank more of that coke than I had seen him eat or drink in weeks.

I would totally work in this place!

:killingme:killingme:killingme note the fake stop signs used in Germany. Too funny.

the fake bus stop signs were pretty funny. interesting concept, but they said the patients could basically do whatever they want, then i saw the picture on the left. from a quick glance, it was a little questionable. :lol:

honestly though, at this stage in their life...why not? if they're suffering from these things then as long as they aren't hurting anyone or causing problems, let them be. they don't have much time left and they are probably scared and lonely half the time. at least they can enjoy the time that's left. it didn't seem like this was available for younger people with issues but hell, maybe it should be.


My Sweetest Boy
My mother basically eats nothing but nutty buddies. It's pointless to argue with her. My parents' large freezer looks like an advertisement for Nestle ice cream.


I bowl overhand
I worked in a Nursing hOme as a Maintenance Man (Janitor) when I was in High School and got to see a major change in care when it came to Dementia and Alzheimers.

There were patients that would basically relive their last moments, or their most important moments from when they were coherent and when I started there it was a daily fight.. Patient: "My husband is coming to visit me today!!" Staff: "No he's not, he died 3 years ago!" So every morning this patient had to deal with their husbands passing again and again.

Then the rules changed, and it happened almost overnight. Patient: "My husband is coming to visit me today!!" Staff (usually the same nurse as above): Well lets get you dressed and beautiful for him.

Before staff would enter a room and the patient would call them by their daughters or sons names.. "I'm not your daughter, I'm XXXX your nurse.." Even in their final hours they would fight them about reality, and who they were or weren't.

The next day it was.. "Hi mom. How are you?", even saw staff cuddle their "moms" in their final minutes, talking to them lovingly, and telling them it was ok to go, they would be fine. What a much better way to go then telling them "Your daughters not here." Bascially telling them, you're dying alone, get over it.

The difference was amazing. They finally realized fighting with dementia patient's reality was a losing battle for both sides. The staff and the patiend both left unsettled and a little more confused.
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Well-Known Member
My grandma has dementia pretty badly now. She fell and broke a hip before Thanksgiving and has never been right since the surgery. :ohwell: She was having short term memory loss before, but now she's totally lost. :frown: I'm going to see her in a couple weeks and I'm nervous.


Dream Stealer
My grandma has dementia pretty badly now. She fell and broke a hip before Thanksgiving and has never been right since the surgery. :ohwell: She was having short term memory loss before, but now she's totally lost. :frown: I'm going to see her in a couple weeks and I'm nervous.

The meds they give for the pain are really terrible for the elderly folks...overmedicating and the wrong types can make them pretty off their rocker.

I always feel worse for the family than the patient. The family has to endure memories of what their family member was like..and see them now. I had one elderly lady who would be sweet one moment and the next moment would cuss you out like you wouldn't believe..she put my sailor parents to shame :killingme...her husband and daughter came in one day when she was in the middle of cussing me out for asking if she was hungry and they were just MORTIFIED. The husband started crying he was so distraught. He told me she never uttered a word like that in her entire life. I got him to crack a smile, though, when I told him she probably just said it in her head before...and everytime he came home late that was what she really wanted to say. He kept saying, "that isn't her, it isn't her" and it was difficult for me to make him see that I understood that..and that I didn't judge her for it.


Having Fun!

I have always subscribed to this attitude. Especially with my very elderly patients. I had a patient once who was dying...and after being silent for weeks asked me for a coke. The nurse was like no, hes on an ADA diet..I went and got the man a flippen coke (and went to the machine too, no nasty shasta). For God's sake he was dying. Let him have a bit of comfort. He drank more of that coke than I had seen him eat or drink in weeks.

I would totally work in this place!

:killingme:killingme:killingme note the fake stop signs used in Germany. Too funny.

Thanks so much for sharing this article. I wish this kind of program/care had been available a few years ago when my Dad needed it. Good for you for getting that Coke!! :high5:

(Loved the German bus stops!)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When I become demented, which should be any day now, someone please see to it that I get cigarettes and iced tea in my blue tea cup. TIA.


Does my butt look big?
Mom near her end loved an egg for breakfast...someone said are you worried about her chelesterol...HELL NO....she ate more crap then you could imagine...lol and I let her..tried to sneak in some goos stuff but it was hard..


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member

I have always subscribed to this attitude. Especially with my very elderly patients. I had a patient once who was dying...and after being silent for weeks asked me for a coke. The nurse was like no, hes on an ADA diet..I went and got the man a flippen coke (and went to the machine too, no nasty shasta). For God's sake he was dying. Let him have a bit of comfort. He drank more of that coke than I had seen him eat or drink in weeks.

I would totally work in this place!

:killingme:killingme:killingme note the fake stop signs used in Germany. Too funny.

LOVE them! I love this article - thank you for sharing it. I have some folks I can share this with and they will definitely appreciate it. :yay:


When I become demented, which should be any day now, someone please see to it that I get cigarettes and iced tea in my blue tea cup. TIA.
I'll bring you cigarettes and Ice tea, but if I go before you, I want a bottle of whiskey and some cigars and if those nurses tell me I can't smoke in there, you have to boot them out of my room. :cool:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
When I become demented, which should be any day now, someone please see to it that I get cigarettes and iced tea in my blue tea cup. TIA.

:high5: You got it!

I got dibs on that cool, straw summer purse you have!
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Does my butt look big?
Come on over Vrai...the peemaster will take care of you :huggy: I love tea too..but like mom I will take your ciggs from ya..


I am so very blessed
Okay, and Thing1 can have my firepit. Just keep the nicotine and caffeine coming. :yay:
If I brush your luscious locks, and paint your toenails a pretty shade of This Little Piggy/OPI, and feed you tasty morsels of whatever you want, what do I get?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If I brush your luscious locks, and paint your toenails a pretty shade of This Little Piggy/OPI, and feed you tasty morsels of whatever you want, what do I get?

What if I'm crazy and want my head to be shaved and my toenails painted Ogre The Top/OPI? If you do that, I'll give you...hmmm...

I know! I'll give you Larry's heated motorcycle gear!


Happy Camper

Thanks for sharing this article!!! I passed the link along to my folks!!!

My mother basically eats nothing but nutty buddies. It's pointless to argue with her. My parents' large freezer looks like an advertisement for Nestle ice cream.

My Grandmother has developed quite an affinity for ice cream lately too. Whenever Mom & Dad take her out to lunch, they have to stop by Chic Filet and get her vanilla ice cream. She loves it!!