"I Love You"


Active Member
We've been married 36 years. Still say it every day. We're that couple holding hands walking in the parking lot at Safeway or Home Depot (or wherever). Not sappy sickening kind of couple, but we definitely belong together.

I say it to the people I love, including my inlaws, who have been my mother and father since mine passed. My grown kids hear it, as do their wives, usually at the end of phone call.

It sparks a little something, but not a little somethin somethin. It just feels good to love and be loved. :)


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
How often to you tell your spouse?
Do you get tired of hearing it?
Does it spark a little somethin somthin when you hear it?
Do you say it to your other family members?


Wife every day, family (and a couple of close friends) every time I talk to them.


Thats how them b*tch's R
How often to you tell your spouse?
Do you get tired of hearing it?
Does it spark a little somethin somthin when you hear it?
Do you say it to your other family members?


Husband and my girls: every time one of us leaves the house, before bed, random texts and at the end of every phone call. Dog: couple times a day and if I leave the house. Mom: end of every phone call, text or visit. Other family/friends: random times.

Never get tired of hearing it.

Warm fuzzies :)

See answer to first question.


How often to you tell your spouse?
Do you get tired of hearing it?
Does it spark a little somethin somthin when you hear it?
Do you say it to your other family members?


I don't say it as much as I should. I remember my grandparents would tell each other all the time. Miss them so much


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
All the time, everyday, in all kinds of instances & even in a random text or 2 during the day. The kids: teenager/young 20's. They say it, but not as often, mostly in reply. They hear it more often, but are in that stage where they wish you wouldn't as much, so I don't.

BUT: "I love you" comes in many forms. A 6am departure on a snowy Saturday for 9am Drill Meet in Richmond, VA? Heck yeah - that's true love! :lol: So are hearts & flowers and xxoo's on a steamy mirror in the bathroom.



Routinely Derailed
My ex and I say that to each other every time we see each other. Wenchy and I said it all the time, but she'd complain that we said it too often. Didn't keep it from happening, though. :lmao:

The key is to MEAN IT when you say it. Saying it too often can cast some doubt on how much it's meant.


New Member
As a general rule of thumb, I NEVER tell them I love them...

You just don't say those words to the GM road Hookers...that would make it kinda awkward when trying to get them to leave :coffee:

Oh, spouse or family...my bad


Soul Probe
The key is to MEAN IT when you say it. Saying it too often can cast some doubt on how much it's meant.

:dingding: I feel this way. I don't tell my SO and kids I love them every day, but it's still often and when I say it I really mean it. Sometimes the "love you" when hanging up the phone or leaving the house feels somewhat flippant and superficial.