I need a quickie.....


Infinite Impetus
Here are pics...before and after. My hair looks uneven in the front "after" pic, but it's just the picture. The layers are all wrong!!! I told her I didn't want a big difference in layer length. UGH. I am going to cut the bottom shorter so there's not as much of a difference in length.

I know, I know...hair grows back...but I'm going to be miserable until it does. :ohwell:

It's a big adjustment to go from no layers to extreme layers like that.. None the less, it looks allllright and it will always grow back. Short layers like that look cute in a pony tail :p


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody...you're making me feel alot better. I'm sure I'll eventually get used to it. I'm still in shock. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ok...well I'm feeling slightly better about it this morning. I blow-dryed (is that correct?) it and curled it, and it's not too bad. I'm just going to get the bottom cut shorter so there's not such a drastic bottom layer. I feel like I have a mullet. :lmao: But I think it will be ok.


New Member
Ok...well I'm feeling slightly better about it this morning. I blow-dryed (is that correct?) it and curled it, and it's not too bad. I'm just going to get the bottom cut shorter so there's not such a drastic bottom layer. I feel like I have a mullet. :lmao: But I think it will be ok.
Looks pretty good to me. :yay:


Active Member
I like the face framing layers. Your hair looks fuller now with the layers. I like it.


New Member
more pictures? :popcorn:

Please post another thread when you are undecided on undergarments or a bikini. TIA :drool:


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