I posted JPCs thoughts on child support


In My Opinion
On the Democratic Underground.

those guys are basically ripping him a new butthole.

the first comment was that JPC was an idiot.

does not take long to get the impression of that candidate now does it?


In My Opinion
. God help the community that harbors such a sharp knife. <table class="post-message" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" width="100%"> <tbody><tr valign="top"> <td width="1%">
</td> <td width="99%"> This has to be a rePunk plant to make Dems look bad. It just has to...
</td></tr></tbody> </table>
A wonderful quote from a DU member.

See JPC, even those in your own party find you to be an embarassment to the democrats.

I just find you to be an embarassment to mankind.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Got the thread, now which topic is it listed under. Christ, they like to :jameo: :bigwhoop: :drama: over there.


In My Opinion
kom526 said:
Got the thread, now which topic is it listed under. Christ, they like to :jameo: :bigwhoop: :drama: over there.
General Discussion: Politics

JPCs brother is there now.
suggesting that people with children pay a mandatory percentage of their pay to a pool that will support the children of the deadbeats.

where do these people come from?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Thanks for the info. It's good to know that they have the same opinion of him as we do.


New Member
kom526 said:
Thanks for the info. It's good to know that they have the same opinion of him as we do.

I like this one "even the most rabid brained lunatic wouldn't be that stupid.." :killingme

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

bcp said:
General Discussion: Politics

JPCs brother is there now.
suggesting that people with children pay a mandatory percentage of their pay to a pool that will support the children of the deadbeats.

where do these people come from?
:coffee: Well I looked under that link and I can not find anything. :whistle:


In My Opinion
JPC said:
:coffee: Well I looked under that link and I can not find anything. :whistle:
cause I spray painted the entrance to camy it.....

go to the WWW.democraticunderground.com
then go to General discussions: politics
then find the thread would you vote for.....

right now the thread is only like 5 deep in the page.

and there does seem to be someone there that "almost" agrees with you.
they think that everyone should be forced to pay a percentage of their pay into a "pool" that will go to pay support for children.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

bcp said:
cause I spray painted the entrance to camy it.....

go to the WWW.democraticunderground.com
then go to General discussions: politics
then find the thread would you vote for.....

right now the thread is only like 5 deep in the page.

and there does seem to be someone there that "almost" agrees with you.
they think that everyone should be forced to pay a percentage of their pay into a "pool" that will go to pay support for children.
:popcorn: Well you failed to put my website there for them to see first hand so they are only responding to your dribble.

Start a new thread and give the whole story, or give it up. :buttkick:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

JPC said:
:popcorn: Well you failed to put my website there for them to see first hand so they are only responding to your dribble.

Start a new thread and give the whole story, or give it up. :buttkick:
:coffee: Sorry about that since you did put the website in a later post.

I also thought it would be in Maryland and not national. I will have to start a thread there myself.

:coffee: -------------------------- :popcorn:


In My Opinion
Here is direct feedback from one of the people on DU in regards to your official website.

Edit after reading his website now:

I probably wouldn't vote for him, but not because of the child support stance, which I don't believe was properly represented in the OP. I couldn't find any specific stances on the issues I disagree with (pro-choice, pro-environment, anti-slave to big business and unnecessary military buildup). The quality of the writing on the website, however, is unprofessional and badly in need of editing and proofreading. He comes off as less educated and intelligent than the ideal candidate, as a result of the writing style. The maxim section in particular rambles without making a clear point, and ought to be deleted, or at least boiled down to three or four statements. I wouldn't want an official to represent me if they can't stay on topic and focused while debating an issue - an official campaign website isn't the place for stream of conciousness rants. Likewise, the bio, obviously, should summarize his child support issues concisely, and should be a small part of his bio. I would hope his identity doesn't entirely revolve around an inability to pay child support.
as far as the dribble, I have only cut and pasted words from these threads.
I have not changed anything that you have said, I put it out there in YOUR words so that an accurate feedback could be recorded.

I think it would be a great Idea for you to post a thread in the maryland area, you would get honest feedback from the people there also.

Once you sign up with the DU as a member, you have to make a certain number of posts before you are allowed to actually start a thread on your own.
You also have to wait 24 hours for acceptance if you are using an E-Mail address that is not on a set IP. example, ***@comcast.net would get quick access,, ****@hotmail.com would not.

please feel free to come into the thread I started and clear up any mistakes I have made in my interpretation of your stand on the child support issues. I am not over there doing this to make up information to bolster my side of the issue, I was trying to relay your thoughts as clearly as I could. Your joining in on the conversation would be in your best interest if you feel that I have incorrectly represented your stand.


New Member
I don't see a lot of ideas in the child support thread on this forum from anyone, which is surprising in a thread as long as that.

I posted something along these lines on DU, but I'll post it here as well. We understand that in some cases people simply are put in a position where they have no choice but to default on their bills. It's pretty easy to understand in some clear cut cases - like a person who has a heart attack and no health insurance, who suddenly finds themselves with a hospital bill of $100,000, in rehab for months, and umemployed because of time lost from work. What do you propose we do in a case like that? Should we throw them in jail for declaring bankruptcy? Should we throw everyone in jail who declares bankruptcy? How do we force them to suddenly be able to pay their bills - including child support?

What's your idea?


This Space for Rent
AP clarifies story about Katrina, Bush

WASHINGTON — In a Wednesday story, The Associated Press reported that federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his Homeland Security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees in New Orleans, citing confidential video footage of an Aug. 28 briefing.

The Army Corps of Engineers considers a breach a hole developing in a levee rather than an overrun. The story should have made clear that Bush was warned about floodwaters overrunning the levees, rather than the levees breaking.

The day before Katrina, Bush was told there were grave concerns the levees could be overrun.

It wasn’t until the next morning, as the storm made landfall, that Michael Brown, then head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said Bush had asked about reports of breaches. Bush did not participate in that briefing.
