I posted JPCs thoughts on child support


This Space for Rent
They being republicans and the MSM. I mean if they say it enough, her poll numbers will keep going up among likely Dem candidates and we will get stuck with her just because of name recognition. It is entirely possible that people are that dumb. How did Bush get re-elected after a failed first term? Putting Diebold explanations aside it could have been simply the effective swift boat ads, name recognition of an emcumbent, and the fear factor that was created by the Rovian machine. You have to ask yourself, would Bush have OK'd this Dubai port deal before the 2004 elections? Not a chance in hell. Bush grabbed that 7-10% clueless vote from people that tend to vote for a) name on top of the ballot b) name most recognizable c) name least demonized in the press In this case Bush fit all three criteria. If polling of independents is any indication of how the country feels now, Bush's presidency is in deep trouble, 2006 looks good for Dems, and 2008 looks great for a Dem presidency.

That being said, the Hillary factor is throwing everything off. They know they can vilify Hillary and pull it off. I believe they are most scared of Gore as a candidate. The candidate that they couldn't attack personally and brings the added dimension of "let's see what would have happened if things would have gone the other way in 2000." After 8 years of hell, people would love to have Clinton/Gore times back. Hopefully they will see this as best being achieved with the nomination of Gore and not Hillary Clinton.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
LWF said:
I don't see a lot of ideas in the child support thread on this forum from anyone, which is surprising in a thread as long as that.
The reason you don't see any ideas is because the law seems adequate for most of us, even if not perfect. It seems fair to combine both parents’ earnings for calculating support for children. Each parent’s obligation is determined by their share of the combined income.

I posted something along these lines on DU, but I'll post it here as well. We understand that in some cases people simply are put in a position where they have no choice but to default on their bills. It's pretty easy to understand in some clear cut cases - like a person who has a heart attack and no health insurance, who suddenly finds themselves with a hospital bill of $100,000, in rehab for months, and umemployed because of time lost from work. What do you propose we do in a case like that? Should we throw them in jail for declaring bankruptcy? Should we throw everyone in jail who declares bankruptcy? How do we force them to suddenly be able to pay their bills - including child support?

What's your idea?
The current law covers this. A major financial change would be cause to have a reconsideration of the obligation for the non-custodial parent. The state is not heartless and will not punish someone for a catastrophe.

The issue isn't when someone falls to uncontrollable circumstances; it is one where the person actively tries to avoid the obligation. These are the ones that end up in jail.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

bcp said:
On the Democratic Underground.

those guys are basically ripping him a new butthole.

the first comment was that JPC was an idiot.

does not take long to get the impression of that candidate now does it?
:coffee: I do appologize for the earlier criticism. I am happy that you did put the thread there. Today Sunday I just opened up my account at DU and they did make me wait 24 hours and said I have to make some post first so I put in 6 test post on the first thread on the Maryland section and I will have to post there for real tomorrow or next day maybe.

The DU forum is out of my area so I will not do much activity there no matter what - unless I do as some times I am mistaken.

:popcorn: ------------------------- :coffee:


Iron City
JPC said:
:coffee: Sorry about that since you did put the website in a later post.

I also thought it would be in Maryland and not national. I will have to start a thread there myself.

:coffee: -------------------------- :popcorn:
Why are you posting a quote from yourself?????????

Can't you comprehend what you are doing to yourself?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
LWF said:
I don't see a lot of ideas in the child support thread on this forum from anyone, which is surprising in a thread as long as that.

I posted something along these lines on DU, but I'll post it here as well. We understand that in some cases people simply are put in a position where they have no choice but to default on their bills. It's pretty easy to understand in some clear cut cases - like a person who has a heart attack and no health insurance, who suddenly finds themselves with a hospital bill of $100,000, in rehab for months, and umemployed because of time lost from work. What do you propose we do in a case like that? Should we throw them in jail for declaring bankruptcy? Should we throw everyone in jail who declares bankruptcy? How do we force them to suddenly be able to pay their bills - including child support?

What's your idea?
People do not go to jail in the United States because they owe money. They go to jail for defying court orders; not because they are in debt.

Bankruptcy is designed for just the scenario you outlined. All debt canceled. You can choose to keep house and mortgage and a vehicle. I think you can even have two in a two person household.

The courts take into consideration the inability to pay, but you may not voluntarily impoverish yourself to get out of Child support.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
It's STILL that friggin' Bush's fault. All he had to do was run down to NO and patch up the levees real quick or build 'em higher or something. He had a whole day.

What is wrong with that man? :mad:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

LWF said:
I don't see a lot of ideas in the child support thread on this forum from anyone, which is surprising in a thread as long as that.

I posted something along these lines on DU, but I'll post it here as well. We understand that in some cases people simply are put in a position where they have no choice but to default on their bills. It's pretty easy to understand in some clear cut cases - like a person who has a heart attack and no health insurance, who suddenly finds themselves with a hospital bill of $100,000, in rehab for months, and umemployed because of time lost from work. What do you propose we do in a case like that? Should we throw them in jail for declaring bankruptcy? Should we throw everyone in jail who declares bankruptcy? How do we force them to suddenly be able to pay their bills - including child support?

What's your idea?
:popcorn: We need serious child support reform.

See this link,SOMD Forum, Politics Thread, The Child Support Solution.

:whistle: P.S. To bcp,

I give up on the DU forum. The place is paranoid and will not let me post. They want some respect first. I have nothing for that bunch. Feel free yourself to write anything you want over there. Plus your stuff was not dribble and I do regret calling it that.

Peace out.

:popcorn: ----------------------- :coffee: