They being republicans and the MSM. I mean if they say it enough, her poll numbers will keep going up among likely Dem candidates and we will get stuck with her just because of name recognition. It is entirely possible that people are that dumb. How did Bush get re-elected after a failed first term? Putting Diebold explanations aside it could have been simply the effective swift boat ads, name recognition of an emcumbent, and the fear factor that was created by the Rovian machine. You have to ask yourself, would Bush have OK'd this Dubai port deal before the 2004 elections? Not a chance in hell. Bush grabbed that 7-10% clueless vote from people that tend to vote for a) name on top of the ballot b) name most recognizable c) name least demonized in the press In this case Bush fit all three criteria. If polling of independents is any indication of how the country feels now, Bush's presidency is in deep trouble, 2006 looks good for Dems, and 2008 looks great for a Dem presidency.
That being said, the Hillary factor is throwing everything off. They know they can vilify Hillary and pull it off. I believe they are most scared of Gore as a candidate. The candidate that they couldn't attack personally and brings the added dimension of "let's see what would have happened if things would have gone the other way in 2000." After 8 years of hell, people would love to have Clinton/Gore times back. Hopefully they will see this as best being achieved with the nomination of Gore and not Hillary Clinton.