I put my boyfriend on a Performance Improvement Plan to save our relationship


PREMO Member
“Ultimately I felt like we weren’t compatible, even though we have a lot of love for each other,” she said in the clip, which has been viewed by more than 357,000 people.

“As a last straw, we decided to do a performance improvement plan. For those of you not (working) in tech, a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) … is what you get put on when they’re about to fire you.

“And before you come at me, I know it’s kind of harsh to some of you, but he’s an engineer and sometimes it’s really hard to communicate with him without using something that he can already relate to. Plus, he kind of liked it.”

Hui went on to explain the couple had “a shared note with daily and weekly tasks he needed to do, and set of things that he needed to work on, and it worked out really well.”

So well, in fact, that they continue to use a similar system for “household chores” and “things that he’s responsible for … that has been the only thing that has stuck and works.”

“Like anything I need done, I just add it onto the board and he’ll get it done — but if I just tell him, he’ll forget about it,” Hui said.

“We also do weekly retrospectives where we check in with each other at the end of each week to see how we’re doing and that’s my favorite.”



Well-Known Member
I hope that she is on a PIP as well. Carefully prepared by him. With items like "Lose that nagging 10 lbs around the thighs and a little less teeth and more tongue."


Just sneakin' around....
Wonder how it would have worked out if he created an item board for her to work on. Reverse the situation. But sounds like she's perfect already.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like he should have fired her.

If he's a gen z and also on the spectrum he might actually need something like this just to do the things that most people take for granted in a relationship. It sounds like she takes it a bit too far with the "I just add anything I want done" bit, but I could see someone like that finding value in extra structure.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love this idea for both parties in a relationship. It never hurts to do an eval every so often to get everyone back on track.

Mind meandering:

The TV show Everybody Loves Raymond - Debra is constantly harping that Ray does nothing around the house and never helps with the kids. It's a running theme and always irks me because she's a SAHM, and while he's working to financially support the family HER job is to take care of the kids and household. So when he comes in from work and she immediately launches into a diatribe about all these things he needs to do, and starts whining about how hard she has it and demanding he help her, I want to smack her one.

So if the woman in this story is putting them both on a PIP, I'm wholeheartedly in favor. But if she's just making demands of him while she eats bonbons and watches daytime TV, I want to smack her one.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The TV show Everybody Loves Raymond - Debra is constantly harping that Ray does nothing around the house and never helps with the kids. It's a running theme and always irks me because she's a SAHM, and while he's working to financially support the family HER job is to take care of the kids and household. So when he comes in from work and she immediately launches into a diatribe about all these things he needs to do, and starts whining about how hard she has it and demanding he help her, I want to smack her one.
I still do not like Patricia Heaton.