I put on 20 pounds!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
All that work to lose weight, and just a couple months of snarfing and it all comes right back. That crap pisses me off. :mad:

Me, too! I love to eat, but I have to exercise. I hate working out, but I have to or else...

Actually, I do like working out because I do feel better when I work out. But making time for it can be a pain.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Blame it on my love of eating! :lol:

Hey, it works. If you take in 3,500-4,500 calories a day like I do, it's really not that much to cut 500. That should be somewhere around a pound a week, keeping the same level of activity. If I can just stick to it...



OMG. I'd hate to know what I'd look like if I took in that many calories a day! I'd have to spend all DAY in the gym! :lmao:

(but I sit at a desk all day, too - I'm not up & running about)


Catabolic foods require more calories to digest than the item has. ex. Med red apple is like 70-80 cals but requires over 100 cals to digest.

Catabolic Foods

Great info, I'll be bringing this list to the store with me. So if we only ate these catabolic foods, we'd all be in great shape! To hell with this stinkin low carb diet! :lol:


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Catabolic foods require more calories to digest than the item has. ex. Med red apple is like 70-80 cals but requires over 100 cals to digest.

Catabolic Foods

When I wrestled in HS I had to lose weight all the time. The rumor was that it took more calories to digest a grapefruit than you got from the actual food. They referred to it as negative calories.

Years later, in a college nutrition class the teacher claimed that there was no such thing as a food that took more calories to burn off than it furnished. So I chalked it up to a wrestling urban legend. I did eat a mountain of citrus fruit each season.

Now the link to the catabolic foods. I'm so confused.