I See Dead People


Doc raises a good point. It's difficult to apply the requirement of repeatability to something like this to determine if it's real or not, but it is a good point nonetheless.

There are differences between stray thoughts and actual premonitions. With that training in my martial art group, half the battle is recognizing a "real" indication vs. an imagined one. In fact, it's best to try to recognize the difference betwen the two.

What I'm trying to say is that, due to our imaginations, it's easy to misinterpret a dream/feeling as being a premonition when it's really just a dream or feeling and nothing more. The difficulty lies in the (mis)interpretation of the feeling.


New Member
I think that dejavu is when your brain is dragging behind, and has yet to catch up with your eyes. Does that make sense?


Football season!
I somewhat agree with Doc.. But things such as the flood that I dreamed about wasn't just "general notion of flood".. I'm talking almost exact knowledge of certain events that happened when the flood did come.. Major case of deja-vu(sp?).. There is a big different between thinking about something, and this incredible, almost cold feeling, of deja-vu.. Sure, plenty of our dreams may not come true, but who is to tell until it does happen?? And feelings of things to come..


New Member
A couple of years back I had this dream that I was talking to a guy on the phone. The whole time I was thinking "Who is this guy and why am I talking to him?"

I never thought much about it until a couple months later. I met a guy when I was out with some friends and I gave him my phone number. He called me the next night and in the middle of the conversation I realized he was the one I was on the phone with in my dream.

How would you explain that one?


I think it can go either way. A lot of time, it probably is mere coincidence....but other times, maybe not.
I do believe there are people who are capable of many things. But these people, the ones with the greatest powers, keep it to themselves......so the rest of us are left mostly in the dark. :biggrin:


I keep getting the same deja vu feeling. It's happened 5-7 times now, and frankly, it's getting boring. :snooze: I'm starting to wonder if I'm stuck in a Groundhog Day situation.