I thought the age to buy cigarettes was already 21


Well-Known Member
god, you have an opinion about everything don’t you? Like seriously any topic under the freaking sun you have an opinion about and put it here, I don’t know the name for this mental disorder, but my god you are a case study.

WTH are you against 3 months of parental leave? Is it really that terrible that a new mother gets to spend THREE months with their new child? Like the work won’t be waiting for them? It’s always there, it will always be there, the office will get by, let her and her husband have 1/4 of just a single year with their new child.
Tired of our opinions now, are we?
And what about when we are tired of yours?
What do you plan on doing about your annoying opinions? Hmmm??


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
By the way I don't agree with 12 weeks paid parental leave either. That's more BS.

I like this, I just question what it's doing in a defense spending bill. I like clean bills with one issue or at least the multiple issues have something to do with each other. These politicians - and Democrats are masters of it - like to lump all these unrelated things together so when the President won't sign because of one glaring problem they can go, "Oh, the President vetoed giving formula to babies!" or some other nonsense that makes him sound like a monster.

If I were Imperial Queen of the Universe, there are two things I'd fix right away:

I'd make it so states award their electoral votes based on district; and eliminate multi-issue bills. No more sneaking this chit in and every American would have a say in their government.


Fighting like a girl
Dear Truby:

I do have an opinion about things, and I don't hide them.
If you or anyone wants to know how I think on a subject all you have to do is ask.
In this forum you do not have to ask, it is for people with opinions.

Why don't I like the idea of 3 months parental leave? Because I am paying for that person to stay at home for 3 months..
I have to assume that parental leave means leave for the husband and the wife, since both are parents.
It appears to be fine to pay a Government mother for 3 months for not coming to work, but the object here is to have the private industry pick up the same benefits. Not many companies can afford to do that and some of them only have one employee. If that employee is off for 3 months who gets the job done.? It's a helluva benefit paid for by yours truly.
What if this family is having multiple children?

By the way I see your opinion about the President here every day, and there is a name for your mental illness TDS
Trump Derangement Syndrom.

you are conflating me with the libtards on this site, give examples of me showing TDS. I’ve said repeatedly that he will win re-election, should not be impeached, and I give him kudos at times, like in this thread.

As far as family leave.... I’m more concerned about the cost to the family by having a child than the cost to a company, that is a fundamental difference between us. Why give any leave to employees then? Doesn’t any moment they are not working “cost you”? Why do we get Saturdays off, even the Lord worked for 6 days, just think of how much more could get done if we worked six days and got rid of retirement.

Honestly I think it makes more sense to ask people to work until 72 than ask a new mother to go back to work after 4 weeks.


Fighting like a girl
I like this, I just question what it's doing in a defense spending bill. I like clean bills with one issue or at least the multiple issues have something to do with each other. These politicians - and Democrats are masters of it - like to lump all these unrelated things together so when the President won't sign because of one glaring problem they can go, "Oh, the President vetoed giving formula to babies!" or some other nonsense that makes him sound like a monster.

If I were Imperial Queen of the Universe, there are two things I'd fix right away:

I'd make it so states award their electoral votes based on district; and eliminate multi-issue bills. No more sneaking this chit in and every American would have a say in their government.

This leave change has been a cornerstone of the administration, it’s something top presidential advisors campaigned on and finally got into legislation. Don’t act like this was “snuck in” by Democrats. And also don’t forget last year when he refused to sign a big spending bill and shut down the government for over a month to get his wall funded.

Our president has strong convictions and family is one of them, I’m ecstatic family is being put first.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I give him kudos at times, like in this thread.

Honestly, this was Ivanka. Parental leave was her baby (ha) and she's been working on it for a few years trying to figure out the money and get congressional support. She first expressed the idea about a zillion years ago, then when Trump was elected he was like, "Make it happen" and she did. People like to disparage her as some celebutante prom queen but she's actually quite accomplished. They also like to say that Daddy gives her everything but she worked hard to put this together and make her case.

Trump was not her problem; Republicans in Congress were. Democrats opposed it as well because although they wanted paid parental leave, they didn't want it coming from anyone named Trump.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Don’t act like this was “snuck in” by Democrats.

Let me guess: you failed your SATs because you don't know how to read for context?

I didn't say this particular issue was snuck in by Democrats. I said it was unrelated to defense spending and then stated that I don't care for multi-issue bills that have nothing to do with each other.

You're annoying when you become combative just for the sake of it. But if it keeps you from kicking your dog, bring it on. :yay:


Fighting like a girl
Democrats opposed it as well because although they wanted paid parental leave, they didn't want it coming from anyone named Trump.
So the Democrats who you say opposed it, wrote and approved the legislation and Trump just took the credit in that Tweet I posted by signing it.

Can’t you just let a bi-partisan victory stand? We had a full republican Congress for years under Trump and this never got done!


Fighting like a girl
am I paying for it ?

No buttercup

All the money is fake, the Fed is running a printing press, pumping over 200 billion new dollars into the economy since Sept. Where did it come from? Some place the other 3.8 trillion has, fantasy land, we just all agree it exists.

I personally love this policy...



Well-Known Member
I've decided that my company will provide 6 months of paid maternity leave.
This is truly funny.
You stated you decided to give 6 months maternity leave,,and truby liked your statement.
Obviously you employ no women and only males past the fatherly age.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So the Democrats who you say opposed it, wrote and approved the legislation and Trump just took the credit in that Tweet I posted by signing it.

Can’t you just let a bi-partisan victory stand? We had a full republican Congress for years under Trump and this never got done!

Do you not know how to read? Or do you just like to deliberately misunderstand plain English so you can pick fights?

Trump was not her problem; Republicans in Congress were. Democrats opposed it as well because although they wanted paid parental leave, they didn't want it coming from anyone named Trump.

I get so tired of this crap, really. That's why I put Stupidus on ignore: because I would write something in plain English and the voices in his head would turn them into something else, and he would respond to that imaginary conversation.


Fighting like a girl
Do you not know how to read? Or do you just like to deliberately misunderstand plain English so you can pick fights?

I get so tired of this crap, really. That's why I put Stupidus on ignore: because I would write something in plain English and the voices in his head would turn them into something else, and he would respond to that imaginary conversation.

You also wrote Democrats opposed it, why did you say that? I was just writing that “no, they didn’t oppose it, they just approved it!”


Fighting like a girl
But they just approved it and Trump signed it!!

you want to talk about beating ones head against the wall!

I saw zero evidence that they didn’t favor it, it was the republicans going against the wishes of our president. It took Nancy to get Trump’s and Ivanka’s will done.

I love this split government, next up is the trillion dollar infrastructure bill!


Fighting like a girl
Get back to us after you have actually worked 50+ years.....

before the industrial revolution people actually had long expanses of time to relax and be with family.

Have you ever heard of a “sabbatical”? Of course you have, it’s from ancient times, that every 7 years we should take a year for contemplation:

I think centuries from now we won’t have this constant obsession to work ourselves to exhaustion at the expense of our family. Students will study this time the way we look at when kids were in coal mines.

Embrace efficiency, embrace people having more free time, this is a good thing.

black dog

Free America
before the industrial revolution people actually had long expanses of time to relax and be with family.

Have you ever heard of a “sabbatical”? Of course you have, it’s from ancient times, that every 7 years we should take a year for contemplation:

I think centuries from now we won’t have this constant obsession to work ourselves to exhaustion at the expense of our family. Students will study this time the way we look at when kids were in coal mines.

Embrace efficiency, embrace people having more free time, this is a good thing.

Where do you come up with this sh!t? Sabbatical,,,,,,, Work hard, save your money and take time off.... Thats how its done....

You've never actually done any hard work in your life have you? With almost everything being mechanized now folks have to go to the gym to get exercise. We are a fatter society than we have ever been... You dont see the Amish or Mennonites at Golds Gym.....
Life is easier now than its ever been...


Fighting like a girl
Where do you come up with this sh!t? Sabbatical,,,,,,, Work hard, save your money and take time off.... Thats how its done....

You've never actually done any hard work in your life have you? With almost everything being mechanized now folks have to go to the gym to get exercise. We are a fatter society than we have ever been... You dont see the Amish or Mennonites at Golds Gym.....
Life is easier now than its ever been...
You’re so obnoxious

the hardest years of working were at Rite Aid in Charlotte Hall running the 1 hour photo department, we were the only photo developer in northern St Mary’s in the 90’s!

Then I got an education, used my brain, and am able to use my cognitive skills for money....because every aspect of what I can do has to be monetized. That’s the whole reason for an education, so we can monetize every action one takes.

that’s the disassociation between my and your generation, we start to question what is in place.

black dog

Free America
You’re so obnoxious

the hardest years of working were at Rite Aid in Charlotte Hall running the 1 hour photo department, we were the only photo developer in northern St Mary’s in the 90’s!

Then I got an education, used my brain, and am able to use my cognitive skills for money....because every aspect of what I can do has to be monetized. That’s the whole reason for an education, so we can monetize every action one takes.

that’s the disassociation between my and your generation, we start to question what is in place.

You Millennial's have all done so much but know so little....... You'v done so well one would think you would easily afford to kickup 20 bucks and become PREMO......


Well-Known Member
I've decided that my company will provide 6 months of paid maternity leave.

Guessing we can attribute that act of generosity to you having no women in your company? Do you offer Paternity leave?

Pretty sure we know the answer to that one too.... :whistle: