Penn said:You are coming up with alternative scenarios here. I made no mention of "sneaking up on someone", I was merely saying if you were to face someone with a variety of weapons noted in previous posts, a 12 guage might be a more formidable weapon to have to overcome than the others, if the opportunity exists, OK?
I was merely trying to nicely state that your smug scenario to 2A was invalid... in short it makes you look foolish. People who want to attack someone with a blunt object don't stand 20 feet away and give them time to react. I had to offer an alternative scenario because your's was... foolish. Your's was like saying "would you rather face a charging tiger or a charging box turtle", which is a foolish comparison as box turtles neither charge, attack, or eat meat. Same deal with comparing someone 20 feet away attacking you with a shotgun and someone attacking you with a frying pan.
I just wish that people who insist on offering their dos centavos worth on gun issues actually knew something about guns.

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