I wonder how long the Emptyprise will last?


Well-Known Member
Well, I made a mistake. I bought a copy of the Emptyprise today. I turned to the St. Mary's section. Only "five" articles in the Emptyprise. The County Times and other newspapers easily goes way past the five articles for far less money. This makes me wonder how long the Emptyprise will last? Didn't a bigger newspaper buy out the Emptyprise some years ago? I'm not sure.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Fun story:

Right after we started Somd.com in 1996 I met with Ralph Martin, who was then editor of the Enterprise, to put together a deal and post their news online. He told me that the internet was a fad and going nowhere, and they weren't interested. >> like 5 years or something and the Empty is finally getting an online presence, but everything was behind a paywall. A couple years or whatever later they finally realized that was a loser and did a bunch of other things to try and capture an audience that never showed. We, by then, had moved on and they no longer had value for us.

Newspapers are dinosaurs that largely just don't get it and after all this time still can't make the transition to the information age. Which is ironic when you think about it. I can't think of a single print newspaper that has successfully transitioned to internet.


the poor dad
^that...but I do miss the HUGE Sunday paper and thats gone now too. It was a Sunday morning ritual, coffee and a huge paper to wander through.
Me as well - would sit out on the front porch for a couple hours on Sunday morning with my coffee and paper and all was good with the world.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I subscribed to it for many years. Last renew was right before they combined it to the tri county format which kind of ticked me off. I let it lapse. They contacted me once to renew and I almost reconsidered until they never responded to my voice or emails. Adios!


Well, I made a mistake. I bought a copy of the Emptyprise today. I turned to the St. Mary's section. Only "five" articles in the Emptyprise. The County Times and other newspapers easily goes way past the five articles for far less money. This makes me wonder how long the Emptyprise will last? Didn't a bigger newspaper buy out the Emptyprise some years ago? I'm not sure.
Where's Ken Rossingnol (sp) when you need him?


the poor dad
The County Times proves to me there is a thirst for a local newsstand paper - people are coming into our store on Thursday mornings specifically looking for that paper and nothing more. They will make a trip back to the store in the afternoon if the paper wasn't there on their 1st trip. Can you buy the Emptyprize anywhere? I sure don't see it in any stores I frequent.


Well-Known Member
Always wondered where the hell the local news was when I moved here. My home town has less than 10k people, has a CBS and NBC affiliate as well as a daily paper, why can't we support any sort of local news beyond some websites that may or may not cover something?


Honorary SMIB
Always wondered where the hell the local news was when I moved here. My home town has less than 10k people, has a CBS and NBC affiliate as well as a daily paper, why can't we support any sort of local news beyond some websites that may or may not cover something?
Calvert used to have two twice weekly papers, the Independent and the Recorder. The first went belly up, oh, fifteen years ago maybe, while the second survived and is now part of that combined one.
What I found when in-migration ramped up here was that new people didn't buy or read either one. I'd have colleagues at work and people here ask me about Town and County affairs and where they could find out about them. I'd tell them (keeping in mind that I was an "insider" for years) about the papers, which did do a good job covering local events. They'd then say that the only newspaper they'd read was the Post, which did have a local insert for a few years.

This might be a corollary to a story I related here before, someone complained that there was no close-by hardware to the Beaches and the guy drove by Sneade's every single day. He thought it was a restaurant.


Well-Known Member
Calvert used to have two twice weekly papers, the Independent and the Recorder. The first went belly up, oh, fifteen years ago maybe, while the second survived and is now part of that combined one.
What I found when in-migration ramped up here was that new people didn't buy or read either one. I'd have colleagues at work and people here ask me about Town and County affairs and where they could find out about them. I'd tell them (keeping in mind that I was an "insider" for years) about the papers, which did do a good job covering local events. They'd then say that the only newspaper they'd read was the Post, which did have a local insert for a few years.

This might be a corollary to a story I related here before, someone complained that there was no close-by hardware to the Beaches and the guy drove by Sneade's every single day. He thought it was a restaurant.
To be fair there we had a Lowes, Home Depot, 84, True Value and Ace, Ace and True Value were always the last place I went to because they had the smallest selection, didn't sell lumber, and had the highest prices. But whenever I needed to do plumbing Ace and True Value were my first stop.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
My hometown still has a weekly newspaper, comes out every Thursday.
Always full of town news and is well supported by ads from local businesses.


Honorary SMIB
My hometown still has a weekly newspaper, comes out every Thursday.
Always full of town news and is well supported by ads from local businesses.
Same where I'm from.
Another story:
North Beach has (free) Movies on the Beach in the summer, usually once a month the 3rd Saturday. Well, we told the local businesses that we'd run an ad for them before the movie (that was mostly so we could do equipment checks), all we needed was a couple pictures of their business. The ads would run on a loop for a half hour or so before the movie started.
Well, only around 1/3 of them took advantage of it.
Some of the reasons:
Too much work.
Didn't have enough time to get something together.
Too expensive (remember, it was free).
Didn't want people that went to the movie to patronize their business, they were the "wrong people". Keep in mind that although there were always a few people who had come to the beach and stayed for the movie the vast majority (90%) of those who went were from North Beach or close-by.
Plus a couple more I don't recall but were just as stupid.


Well-Known Member
Same where I'm from.
Another story:
North Beach has (free) Movies on the Beach in the summer, usually once a month the 3rd Saturday. Well, we told the local businesses that we'd run an ad for them before the movie (that was mostly so we could do equipment checks), all we needed was a couple pictures of their business. The ads would run on a loop for a half hour or so before the movie started.
Well, only around 1/3 of them took advantage of it.
Some of the reasons:
Too much work.
Didn't have enough time to get something together.
Too expensive (remember, it was free).
Didn't want people that went to the movie to patronize their business, they were the "wrong people". Keep in mind that although there were always a few people who had come to the beach and stayed for the movie the vast majority (90%) of those who went were from North Beach or close-by.
Plus a couple more I don't recall but were just as stupid.
Local businesses do a lot to hurt themselves. I can't tell you how many times I tried to get an estimate from a contractor, HVAC company, etc where they simply didn't show up or call me back. Don't get me wrong there are some great ones, but many are pretty shitty at getting/keeping customers.

The guy that did my siding and roof told me "this is the easiest job in the world to do and make people happy, all you have to do is do what you say you are going to do". This is after I complemented him on being prompt, he said he would be buy at 1PM and he was at my house at 12:59 PM. I had one no show, one two hours late, and the last one was an hour early and was mad I wasn't at home when he came by.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
^that...but I do miss the HUGE Sunday paper and thats gone now too. It was a Sunday morning ritual, coffee and a huge paper to wander through.
Another story. Remember when the ad section of WaPo' Sunday edition had cool "stuff" for sale? Cool deals for junk. Year was 1985. My immediate boss at Injun Head wanted a boat some kinna bad. So his wife bought him one of the "boats" for sale by mail from the Sunday paper section.As a joke,. He laffed and laffed..brought it to my annual party on St. Patrick's Crick, 7D. We inflated the tiny thing..put the little hot-shot battery in and connected it to the tiny electric prop dirve..and off he went. Took him about a half hour to cross the creek...and then DNR shows up. They wait another half hour for him to get back across the creek (maybe 300 yards??) and proceed to give him a ticket for operating an unregistered power boat.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
. Took him about a half hour to cross the creek...and then DNR shows up. They wait another half hour for him to get back across the creek (maybe 300 yards??) and proceed to give him a ticket for operating an unregistered power boat.
I would’ve cheerfully dumped a can of sardines under the seat of his DNR truck.