I wonder how long the Emptyprise will last?


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t the Washington Post own the Emptyprize?
You know, I was wondering that too. I think you are right. Maybe the Post is dragging them down with them. Back in the day, it used to be pretty good. I even know some of the outstanding reporters. Some of which were terminated.


Well-Known Member
Fun story:

Right after we started Somd.com in 1996 I met with Ralph Martin, who was then editor of the Enterprise, to put together a deal and post their news online. He told me that the internet was a fad and going nowhere, and they weren't interested. >> like 5 years or something and the Empty is finally getting an online presence, but everything was behind a paywall. A couple years or whatever later they finally realized that was a loser and did a bunch of other things to try and capture an audience that never showed. We, by then, had moved on and they no longer had value for us.

Newspapers are dinosaurs that largely just don't get it and after all this time still can't make the transition to the information age. Which is ironic when you think about it. I can't think of a single print newspaper that has successfully transitioned to internet.
Well, the County Times is there........."so far".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My hometown still has a weekly newspaper, comes out every Thursday.
Always full of town news and is well supported by ads from local businesses.

My home city of 250k people used to have a morning and afternoon edition of the newspaper. Then they went to once a day, and now I think they're 3x a week. I'm not sure what's so hard about digital news but they're all having a tough time wrapping their minds around it.


Honorary SMIB
My home city of 250k people used to have a morning and afternoon edition of the newspaper. Then they went to once a day, and now I think they're 3x a week. I'm not sure what's so hard about digital news but they're all having a tough time wrapping their minds around it.
A lot of people just can't read a news story/article on-line, for a number of reasons. For me, I can't concentrate on it like I can with paper.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
A lot of people just can't read a news story/article on-line, for a number of reasons. For me, I can't concentrate on it like I can with paper.

That's fine but newspapers can and should have both. And do their digital edition well instead of it being an afterthought or behind a pay wall.


Well, I made a mistake. I bought a copy of the Emptyprise today. I turned to the St. Mary's section. Only "five" articles in the Emptyprise. The County Times and other newspapers easily goes way past the five articles for far less money. This makes me wonder how long the Emptyprise will last? Didn't a bigger newspaper buy out the Emptyprise some years ago? I'm not sure.
A couple of years ago, I put my change in the vending machine to get the paper and got stung by a bunch of bees.

Obviously nobody was reading the paper. I haven't bought it since.
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Back in the mid-2000's, I made the front page color picture of the weekend section. Tiki Bar opening and I had my Mardi gras umbrella and my flamingo glass. :biggrin:
Awesome! I knew you were famous.

A picture of T's Cove waterfront restaurant, taken from the water side just at dusk, adorned the front page of that same section of the paper once. I wish I'd kept a copy.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I would’ve cheerfully dumped a can of sardines under the seat of his DNR truck.
LOL. They were in their rib. They stood off until the dangerous scofflaw reach my dock...and THEN rolled up ticketed him. If I recall correctly, the ticket was more than what the toy boat cost.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
LOL. They were in their rib. They stood off until the dangerous scofflaw reach my dock...and THEN rolled up ticketed him. If I recall correctly, the ticket was more than what the toy boat cost.
They were total richards back in the day, but they also had to contend with what my buddy referred to as "river rapers". The "By Gawd, if the crabs and oarsters are running small, I still gotta eat!" Type of waterman. After Crow got so he couldn't work the water anymore, the crab, fish, and oyster population in the local waters surged.

On a side note, I once acquired and old Johnson Super Quiet 33 or 40 he had run to death. When I went to rob the carb off of it for my project, I found a piece of house wire tied through the butterfly to act as a choke. 😆