Originally posted by SmallTown
This thread got short really quick
Originally posted by SmallTown
This thread got short really quick
Originally posted by Biscuit
Yeah I hear it went to the Dogs...![]()
Originally posted by SmallTown
There seems to be a very keen interest on here on dogs and pounds.. What, did they put a new Budweiser vending machine there for you guys?
Originally posted by penncam
Let's put it like this: It might be too late, but if you quit whinning about how you don't like Southern Maryland,how you can't wait to move to Virginia, and cease putting up pictures on the board like your previous one, the hints about the Sounds from the Pounds will probably disappear. I don't know for sure, but it might be worth a shot.
Originally posted by Biscuit
Penn, I thought I taught you better than this. Kick em' when their down And use the shock collar when they bark to much.
Originally posted by jetmonkey
You didn't discover that driving around during the ice storm, you got it from some stupid web site or another!![]()
Originally posted by SmallTown
Man, Do I get an award for creating a thread that has grown and shrunk so many times??
Originally posted by penncam
"What Child is this, who's laid to rest, while Mary sleeps and Angels keep?" "This, this is Christ the King . . . . . ."
Originally posted by yakky doodle
i thought the original lyrics were: What child is this who's laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping; whom angels keep in heavenly peace while shepherds watch are keeping.
did some slicing of your own, huh penn?![]()
btw, how many of you are impressed w/the fact that I know those lyrics?![]()