St. Mary's Co. Identity Needed for Vandalism Suspects

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The St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office is seeking the identity of the two people pictured in a vandalism investigation. On the afternoons of Tuesday, June 14, and Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at around 2:30 pm, the suspects repeatedly rode their dirt bikes on the grounds of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Mechanicsville, causing damage to the property.

Anyone with information about the identity of the suspects or this incident is asked to call Deputy Bianca Salas at 301-475-4200, ext. 78160 or email Case # 31513-22

Citizens may remain anonymous and contact Crime Solvers at 301-475-3333, or text a tip to “TIP239” plus their message to “CRIMES” (274637). Through the Crime Solvers Program tipsters are eligible for an award of up to $1,000 for information about a crime in St. Mary’s County that leads to an arrest or indictment.​

Disclaimer: In the U.S.A., all persons accused of a crime by the State are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. See: Additionally, all of the information provided above is solely from the perspective of the respective law enforcement agency and does not provide any direct input from the accused or persons otherwise mentioned. You can find additional information about the case by searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Database using the accused's name and date of birth. The database is online at . Persons named who have been found innocent or not guilty of all charges in the respective case, and/or have had the case ordered expunged by the court can have their name, age, and city redacted by following the process defined at


Well-Known Member
That picture doesn't CLEARLY show this to be ICCC in Mechanicsville.
I'll abide by the disclaimer and say these youths are innocent of any wrongdoing...
Once it's PROVEN they are actually guilty of wrongdoing, then ask for assistance...


Well-Known Member
That picture doesn't CLEARLY show this to be ICCC in Mechanicsville.
I'll abide by the disclaimer and say these youths are innocent of any wrongdoing...
Once it's PROVEN they are actually guilty of wrongdoing, then ask for assistance...
Agreed. And the picture doesn't clearly show that they're youths, nor the day, nor the time, nor that there was vandalism, nor that the action was repeated, nor that there was damage. What is does show is evidence via a picture. After a complaint, that's where the investigation begins.


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Without seeing the extent of the "damage," my first thoughts are that we have some young guys out on dirt bikes having some fun and there was no intent to do any damage. I guess if the place was really a mess in an area where it should have been obvious to them that they shouldn't have been riding, it would be worthwhile involving the police.

Otherwise, it doesn't appear very Christ-like on the part of the church. Not sure there is any willful intent here (mens rea). But again, w/o seeing the extent of the damages, just speculation. Doesn't seem logical from what little I see in this grainy photo that these guys were out to cause any damage. They don't fit the profile.

Just seems like some people in the county like to call the police if a bird shits on their car.


Well-Known Member
Right on. The charge is vandalism - action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property. Since the charge is vandalism, I'm going with there was some level of damage demonstrated.


Well-Known Member
And they were low life dicks for doing it.
For doing what?
Riding their dirt bikes in a place that clearly shows...grass?
How do we know this isn't their own backyard? Hell, I don't even see a CHURCH in that pic?
I'm still going with innocent...And now I'm going with in their own backyard, minding their own business...

Until something can be shown, proving otherwise...


Well-Known Member
For doing what?
Riding their dirt bikes in a place that clearly shows...grass?
How do we know this isn't their own backyard? Hell, I don't even see a CHURCH in that pic?
I'm still going with innocent...And now I'm going with in their own backyard, minding their own business...

Until something can be shown, proving otherwise...
Seems reasonable. Considering most fixed cameras are mounted to a facility and pointed out for coverage, there's a good chance the facility won't be in the picture. Depending on camera coverage, this may be the only evidence thus far in the investigation. That means, if some level of damage was demonstrated to LE, charges can be filed. The photo is a single piece of evidence. It may be the only evidence thus far. LE is using this in efforts to possibly identify and locate suspects. If that occurs, charges are likely pending. According the the OP, this is not a single event wherein some knuckleheads drove through private property one time. This occurred more than once, indicating intent and it caused damages. Highly likely they will be identified and charged. There's only so many people riding undersized dirt bikes in that area.


the poor dad
I can't believe people are defending these thugs! It has always irked me that any parent living on a 1/2 acre lot would even consider a dirt bike for their kid. Where do they think they will ride it? It is ILLEGAL to ride it on public streets. It is ILLEGAL to ride it on the power lines. It is ILLEGAL to ride it on private property without permission. Based on some of the comments above, it is ok with you to bring my 4wheel drive truck and ride thru your backyard because my intent is to have fun in your nice green grass - I don't intend to do any damage. Just wow - this is what society has come to - because I bought and paid for a big open field, I am supposed to allow anyone to come use it when ever they please. SMMFH!