If LaBron wants his championship...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's my point - his mindset should be to take the ball to the basket - that is the goal and first option. When the defense makes that impossible or overly difficult (like, when they commit 6 players to the paint to stop him), then he can dish .

OK, but you said:

he needs to do is TAKE THE BALL TO THE RIM - over and over and over and over?

That's two different things. On the one hand is go to the rim, no matter what, and try to draw a foul. Or driving and then let the play develop. You are saying drive every time and then react to what the D gives you, not just go to the hole every time and draw contact.

There is no reason to not take open three or easy pull ups in my book and I think Shaq lightens the load. A lot. Last night he went up for a three and lazered it to Shaq for an easy two.

If I am coaching, I want the defense thinking they HAVE to not give him he open three AND have to worry about the pull up AND have to worry about the drive AND have to worry about the dish.

OK, but you said:

That's two different things. On the one hand is go to the rim, no matter what, and try to draw a foul. Or driving and then let the play develop. You are saying drive every time and then react to what the D gives you, not just go to the hole every time and draw contact.

There is no reason to not take open three or easy pull ups in my book and I think Shaq lightens the load. A lot. Last night he went up for a three and lazered it to Shaq for an easy two.

If I am coaching, I want the defense thinking they HAVE to not give him he open three AND have to worry about the pull up AND have to worry about the drive AND have to worry about the dish.


Well, by take the ball to the rim, I don't necessarily mean finish every time. And of course, I don't mean LeBron gets the ball every time and walks it down the floor and goes straight to the rim - this is the NBA and teams adjust, so you can't do that every single play. I mean, until the defense devotes all necessary resources to stop him, his intention should be to take advantage of his greatest advantage and take the ball to the rim. If he finds that the Wizards have signed Bill Russell, Hakeem Olajuwon and Dikembe Mutumbo, and they are all waiting for him in the paint with tea and crumpets - then by all means dish the ball for an open look, or maybe on occasion step back and knock down the 17 footer.

Make the defense choose between being killed by good shooters getting open looks all day, or having to try to stop LeBron's drives 1 on 1 or 1 on 2 - and then end up with all their players fouling out.


They're out to get us
OK, but you said:

That's two different things. On the one hand is go to the rim, no matter what, and try to draw a foul. Or driving and then let the play develop. You are saying drive every time and then react to what the D gives you, not just go to the hole every time and draw contact.

There is no reason to not take open three or easy pull ups in my book and I think Shaq lightens the load. A lot. Last night he went up for a three and lazered it to Shaq for an easy two.

If I am coaching, I want the defense thinking they HAVE to not give him he open three AND have to worry about the pull up AND have to worry about the drive AND have to worry about the dish.


It's not two different things. It's like what Wade does. You take it to the rim and if they double/triple, you dish to the wide open guy and give him an easy shot. James will often take shots with a hand in his face, or with a fade-away 3 pointer. Those are not high percentage shots. He'll make them more than most (probably the 30-40% range), but a guy taking a wide open shot is more likely to score than that.


I said Wade's playing style is better than Lebron. But Wade led the league in scoring, #3 in MVP voting (though his supporting cast paled in the comparison of Lebron and Kobe, so he was doubled far more often) and his defensive stats were among tops in the league. I think he was the first guard to ever get 100 steals and blocks or something. Maybe it was just the 100 blocks part. He had a few more FT attempted and assists, more steals, more blocks, and more points.

So why is it so hard to imagine someone taking Wade, who has a ring, over Lebron?

you are such a homer:killingme


They're out to get us
you are such a homer:killingme

or maybe you are! I'm presenting stats and rings, all you guys are doing is saying Lebron is better because he's better. :shrug:

Lebron has more talent, but he hasn't reached his full potential yet because he is still learning the way to play the game to fully take advantage of all that talent.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
or maybe you are! I'm presenting stats and rings, all you guys are doing is saying Lebron is better because he's better. :shrug:

Yeah. How else should we do it, by saying he's not? :lol:

Simple question; would you take Wade or James? That's all there is to it.



They're out to get us
Yeah. How else should we do it, by saying he's not? :lol:

Simple question; would you take Wade or James? That's all there is to it.


Wade led the USA to the Olympic gold, led the Heat to an NBA championship, led the league in scoring and had the best statistical season of any NBA player last season, and I like him more since he's on the Heat. Sure there's some bias in me picking him, but he has done more than Lebron up to this point. Lebron is missing the bling. Until he gets it, he's just another Dan Marino (which isn't a bad thing either!).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Wade led the USA to the Olympic gold, led the Heat to an NBA championship, led the league in scoring and had the best statistical season of any NBA player last season, and I like him more since he's on the Heat. Sure there's some bias in me picking him, but he has done more than Lebron up to this point. Lebron is missing the bling. Until he gets it, he's just another Dan Marino (which isn't a bad thing either!).

Fine. I got LaBron. Let's play! :buddies:


or maybe you are! I'm presenting stats and rings, all you guys are doing is saying Lebron is better because he's better. :shrug:

Lebron has more talent, but he hasn't reached his full potential yet because he is still learning the way to play the game to fully take advantage of all that talent.

you are presenting stats and rings...i'm presenting the facts...LEbron is better..

but if you need references I give you the last second of Game 2 vs. Orlando...


They're out to get us
you are presenting stats and rings...i'm presenting the facts...LEbron is better..

but if you need references I give you the last second of Game 2 vs. Orlando...

yeah, if not for that shot of all shots, it would have been a much worse series for Lebron and his Cavs. That was an MJ moment. I didn't say he didn't have more talent. He is clearly the most gifted athlete in the NBA. But he is still learning his game. Just wait til he puts it all together.


Football addict
I also think the Wizards make the playoffs this year. Not sure how far they'll make it but they'll make it.:lol: