If these kids...


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
For the sake of humanity, I hope you're one sterile SOB. If for some odd reason one of those prostitutes you just so happen to um..."let off the hook" for a reason unknown to us gets knocked up, no doubt anything you produce would come out with Down's Syndrome.

I don't even know why I'm giving you credit for street work, when all you do is clean pubes from urinals in the Leonardtown Barracks.
Good come back Rick! We know that your a kiddie watcher and that is why they kicked you out of being the base police, hence the reason your resentment for any one who does honorable work! Coward!

Richard Cranium

New Member
Is that all you got? Make fries?

That's what I have your girl for. Cooking.

As far as touching kiddies....do you tell them that it's okay for the police to touch them?


New Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Slam their basketball into my car one more time :mad:

These kids' parents need to get some control over them man - they're running into peoples' yards, throwing that basketball everywhere (I betcha I'd get it near that hoop).

I thought the neighborhood association didn't allow for basketball hoops to be out in the middle of the street :shrug:

If you live w/in a HOA, contact the president or any other board member. (But then again you should know that). Report it so it is on the agenda for the next meeting.
Meanwhile just go out and take their ball when they are not looking. Will take them a couple of days to replace it. Put a sign up in your yard that says all balls that roll onto your yard are yours to keep and stand next to it for a bit, they will not know if you are serious or not. Try to psych them out!
BUT be prepared for revenge! :teehee:


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Is that all you got? Make fries?

That's what I have your girl for. Cooking.

As far as touching kiddies....do you tell them that it's okay for the police to touch them?
Aww Rick! Just because your a pathetic racist, under achiever, cowardly, broke azz, chicken sh###, unhappy, working at McDonalds because you got kicked out of the military, girly man....doesn't mean we can't get along! Ohh wait...your a kiddie toucher too...ahh that's a deal breaker! Sorry you Michael Jackson wanna be!

Richard Cranium

New Member
smcop said:
Ohh wait...your a kiddie toucher too...

Hey Roscoe, are you admitting to touching children? I think you are. BTW, say hi to your wife and my kids :lmao:

As far as your accusations about me being racist/sexist/whatever else...well, we both know that outside of St Marys County you're mocked and laughed at by the rest of the cops. This I do know for a fact.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Hey Roscoe, are you admitting to touching children? I think you are. BTW, say hi to your wife and my kids :lmao:

As far as your accusations about me being racist/sexist/whatever else...well, we both know that outside of St Marys County you're mocked and laughed at by the rest of the cops. This I do know for a fact.
I don't care who laughs and mocks me Rick! I know my work ethic and my preformance. I know when I say I will be at the A&E motel at midnight I am there! You can't say the same! I got your game now! You were fired from being a base police officer or auxillary force, so you resent us! You really don't know anything, because anyone who was associated with the police wouldn't have anything to do with you! All you have is your rants and insults you project from behind the safety of your computer because you are too much a coward to do anything else! In example, you lied about a poor innocent girl being mistreated by the police, but yet your too much a coward to stop the behavior or even make an anonymous call to their supervisors to report the misbehavior, let alone man up and report it in person! Everyone on this sight knows your a coward, malcontent, racist!


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Hey Roscoe, are you admitting to touching children? I think you are. BTW, say hi to your wife and my kids :lmao:

As far as your accusations about me being racist/sexist/whatever else...well, we both know that outside of St Marys County you're mocked and laughed at by the rest of the cops. This I do know for a fact.
I am widowed and don't have kids Rick! I suppose you have something smart to say about that as well?

Richard Cranium

New Member
....and anyone on this site with half an ounce of sense will see that you're an uneducated waste of tax dollars and oxygen.....not to mention, one hell of a pussy for not showing up that night at the A&E Motel in your uniform.

You know, I tried giving you credit. I even promoted you to janitor of the Leonardtown Barracks, and it's all been in vain. I apologize to the rest of the forum for taking up for smcop and giving him credit.

Truth of the matter is he's a squeegee boy at the local bookstore here. From time to time he serves as porthole supervisor/staff/trainee, but when you're the only one back there, you gotta fill all the positions.

I really didn't want you to come out like this smqueer, but I can't keep lying to these people by giving you credit as a pig.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Actually, I have alot to say about it. In some sort of sense of civility, I won't.
I am bored with you now little man! I am going to go! you are a coward and will always be!


New Member
somdebay said:
lol...i have no problem with kids playing in the street. But when you are driving down the road, and they just stand there in the middle of the street and stare at your car...thats just rude. When they do that, i dont even bother to swerve. They will move or they will get hit. simple as that. thus far, they have always moved last minute. some kids these days have no respect for anyone. self centered little brats.
Right. They just stand there. Next time, I'm counting down!