If They are Not Called Tornados What are They Called?


the poor dad
And since when was Nevada in the middle of the country and known for having crops?



Well-Known Member
NOAA is currently going ahead with the name change to cover for Biden. What will they be called? 🤔


Well-Known Member
And since when was Nevada in the middle of the country and known for having crops?

He's confused, but what else is new?

There IS a Nevada, Iowa, which is in the middle of the country. Still doesn't explain his conflating the two states.
Also, he may be confusing a tornado with a derecho, and they are not the same thing at all.

I think his his handlers are going to have to require him to stay closer to the script - when he meanders off, this is what we get.


Why does he always look different? From picture to picture, video to video - like this one, he looks albino.