If Trump wins..


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
There's actually more info - this late in the game - that her record as State AG and San Fran DA are also largely bereft of significance - and there's a meme floating around whose assertions I can't verify - YET - that in all her jobs she took an extraordinary amount of time off along with sick days.

THAT at least would be consistent with a very meager list of accomplishments.

You know, this probably bothers me MORE than her word salad and her lack of visible intelligence - that she just doesn't have really anything to show for her times in office. I think I'd rather have a couple really BAD decisions if they were bold enough. You will of course notice that she never brags about her time as Senator -or her actual term as VP. To the best of my knowledge, she was merely a placeholder in the Senate, chairing no committees and proposing almost nothing except - I think there was a memorial fund for something from a century ago or so.

The quintessential Leftist.

Bernie Sanders, AOC, Omar, Talib, Cohen, Schiff, Nadler.... All they know how to do is make noise and chase the camera.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There are reports going around that during her tenure as SF DA (?), she dropped an investigation into pedophile priest(s) that her predecessor had been leading. When victims attempted to access the records to pursue their cases, she denied those requests to "protect the victims."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No matter who wins - it's going to be a mess. Frankly - if Harris wins - and legitimately - it will be a very sad commentary on the voter population, because there's really no sensible reason that she should even BE the nominee. Until she was "appointed" - and I still think Biden thwarted the Dem's plans to promote someone like Newsom or Whitmer - she was the MOST UNPOPULAR VP in history, at least when it comes to actual polling.

She possesses no list of accomplishments - her tenure as Senator or VP have absolutely zero evidence of having done ANYTHING.

We have had some extremely impressive persons run for President. They include successful governors, businessmen and war heroes. Ross Perot, when he went to work for IBM made his year's quota in two weeks - years later, when employees of his company EDS were captured during the Iran revolution - he sent in his own team and got them out. Yeah, he was kooky - but he got things done.

Lately it seems all we need is a talking voice and a good ad campaign. You can elect an utter imbecile - no, literally - and that's just the way it is.

We have an electorate who declare openly who they want to vote for President - but are so uninformed they are completely unable to give a single reason. In some cases, unable to name the running mate or ANYONE ELSE who represents them. This goes for ANYONE. And smear campaigns seem virtually impossible to dispute any more, because the public is so inured to being lied to, You could make a case that Trump is actually an alien bent on world conquest, and it WOULD cost him votes.

Sad, but true.

I knew humans were dumb, but I didn't realize it was so many of them. Yikes.

I have a Democrat friend who used to be one of my besties until Trump came along and I got to see how shallow and ignorant she is. "What's with Trump telling everyone to inject bleach? 🤪😜🤪😜"


And you cannot correct these people because they don't want to hear it. They REFUSE to hear it. Their masters have spoken and that's that. Now, my friend is brilliant - super intelligent and talented. But she also has a death grip on propaganda and will not be deterred.

I don't understand this singularity of purpose. How do people get so invested in something that is demonstrably false, yet they won't allow anyone to show them that it's false? You cite sources - including actual video of what was really said - and they react like Dracula with a crucifix. "Nooooo!! It burns!!! Stop!!!"


I don't understand willful ignorance. Even if all your friends are dumbasses and you want to be popular, you can simply not disagree - you don't have to cannonball into the empty pool.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know, this probably bothers me MORE than her word salad and her lack of visible intelligence - that she just doesn't have really anything to show for her times in office.

She was all strutting around - "I was a prosecutor!" One would expect her to have superior rhetorical skills and be a convincing orator. So sure, Kam, show us what ya got.....


Jim Carrey Idk GIF


Well-Known Member
No matter who wins - it's going to be a mess. Frankly - if Harris wins - and legitimately - it will be a very sad commentary on the voter population, because there's really no sensible reason that she should even BE the nominee. Until she was "appointed" - and I still think Biden thwarted the Dem's plans to promote someone like Newsom or Whitmer - she was the MOST UNPOPULAR VP in history, at least when it comes to actual polling.

She possesses no list of accomplishments - her tenure as Senator or VP have absolutely zero evidence of having done ANYTHING.

We have had some extremely impressive persons run for President. They include successful governors, businessmen and war heroes. Ross Perot, when he went to work for IBM made his year's quota in two weeks - years later, when employees of his company EDS were captured during the Iran revolution - he sent in his own team and got them out. Yeah, he was kooky - but he got things done.

Lately it seems all we need is a talking voice and a good ad campaign. You can elect an utter imbecile - no, literally - and that's just the way it is.

We have an electorate who declare openly who they want to vote for President - but are so uninformed they are completely unable to give a single reason. In some cases, unable to name the running mate or ANYONE ELSE who represents them. This goes for ANYONE. And smear campaigns seem virtually impossible to dispute any more, because the public is so inured to being lied to, You could make a case that Trump is actually an alien bent on world conquest, and it WOULD cost him votes.
Almost like Obama as far as accomplishments go. The democratic party learned with him that you can sanitize and build candidate from scratch better than trying to take the life long politicians with a record.

They're trying to do it with Kluless but she has to much history.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Almost like Obama as far as accomplishments go.
He, at least, had talent as a politician. He had at least a smattering of intelligence. He did possess the requisite ability to stab your sponsor in the back when needed. And he had established a network in Washington before he arrived there.

You're right - he had almost nothing to speak of. He'd written two books - presumably - and they were both about himself! His record in the state Senate consisted largely of voting "present" (which is an accepted way of saying neither nay nor aye).

He could at least - speak.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I have a Democrat friend who used to be one of my besties until Trump came along and I got to see how shallow and ignorant she is. "What's with Trump telling everyone to inject bleach? 🤪😜🤪😜"
I'm trying to teach this basic, critical skill to my middle daughter - if it sounds just too damned stupid to be real - at the very least, you ought to check it out. Do you really think a real estate mogul worth billions who runs a financial empire DOESN'T know you shouldn't drink bleach? You know - the kind of knowledge that MOST pre-schoolers possess?

Now of course, my challenge with my middle girl is - she's very, very smart and talented - but she believes her friends far more than her Dad.


Well-Known Member
It isn't hard to believe that Kamala spent a lot of time on sick leave or annual leave or she just wasn't there a lot of times.
She spent the last 3 1/2 years doing nothing.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Hillary conceded within hours of the results becoming clear.

Why are you always so confused with language but not with intent?

Trump has still not conceded and you don't care but since Hillary did it after midnight it's some moral failing?

Your brain is truly mush
Because words mean things. If you can’t say what you mean don’t get pissy when you get called on it.


Well-Known Member
And DC businesses are already boarding up in anticipation of trouble after the election. Crazy that we have come to this in the U S of A!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And DC businesses are already boarding up in anticipation of trouble after the election. Crazy that we have come to this in the U S of A!

What, they don't want to give those who wish to destroy, space to do so? Damn racists.