There's actually more info - this late in the game - that her record as State AG and San Fran DA are also largely bereft of significance - and there's a meme floating around whose assertions I can't verify - YET - that in all her jobs she took an extraordinary amount of time off along with sick days.
THAT at least would be consistent with a very meager list of accomplishments.
You know, this probably bothers me MORE than her word salad and her lack of visible intelligence - that she just doesn't have really anything to show for her times in office. I think I'd rather have a couple really BAD decisions if they were bold enough. You will of course notice that she never brags about her time as Senator -or her actual term as VP. To the best of my knowledge, she was merely a placeholder in the Senate, chairing no committees and proposing almost nothing except - I think there was a memorial fund for something from a century ago or so.

The quintessential Leftist.
Bernie Sanders, AOC, Omar, Talib, Cohen, Schiff, Nadler.... All they know how to do is make noise and chase the camera.