Now THIS is a man I want for Attorney General. 
Yes another reason NOT to vote for either Gansler or Fritz.
Gotta love a driver that is so distracted that he scares his passengers while endangering their lives with his irresponsible driving.

Washington Post said:Douglas F. Gansler had his door-knocking down to a science. Making the rounds in Leonardtown, St. Mary's County, he made a beeline for homes selected according to the voter sheet he carried. Only homes whose residents had voted in each of the last two Democratic primaries got knocks.
"If you go off the map, they do shoot you," joked Gansler, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for attorney general in the Sept. 12 primary.
Local politicians at the fundraiser said Gansler's record as prosecutor and his regular visits to St. Mary's have made inroads among county Democrats -- as well as some Republicans. The fundraiser was co-chaired by Richard D. Fritz, the Republican state's attorney for St. Mary's County. "Doug Gansler is one of our own," Fritz told the crowd. Gansler has also won support from 11 of 14 Democratic state's attorneys and from a number of Montgomery and Prince George's politicians.
Yes another reason NOT to vote for either Gansler or Fritz.
Washington Post said:Gansler insists on driving himself on the long trips around the state. Early in the race, campaign volunteers would drive, but that did not last long. "My blood pressure goes up when someone else is driving," Gansler said.
Now, it is his passengers who must worry. Gansler is a multi-tasking driver. On Tuesday, Gansler had a MapQuest printout draped over the steering wheel. Two BlackBerry devices -- one for the campaign and one for work -- sat in the drink well, each bearing long streams of messages.
Gotta love a driver that is so distracted that he scares his passengers while endangering their lives with his irresponsible driving.