If your car happened to have something thrown at it today


aka Mrs. Giant
limblips said:
You know, I have witnessed this. And how about those mini-penis dudes in the jacked up 4X4's? And the phallically challenged ones in the sports cars? And then there are those attempting to overcome their "shortcomings" with foreign cars with fart-can mufflers. But let us not forget all the other sub-average length people that drive your run of the mill grocery getters. I even believe that there are some forumites that attempt to overshadow their lack of physical endowment by acting "large" on the forums. What say you?
Are you calling me short?! :tantrum:


limblips said:
You know, I have witnessed this. And how about those mini-penis dudes in the jacked up 4X4's? And the phallically challenged ones in the sports cars? And then there are those attempting to overcome their "shortcomings" with foreign cars with fart-can mufflers. But let us not forget all the other sub-average length people that drive your run of the mill grocery getters. I even believe that there are some forumites that attempt to overshadow their lack of physical endowment by acting "large" on the forums.

You seem to be saying that anyone who drives a nice car has a small penis?

limblips said:
What say you?

Says I, you seem to have vehicular issues and penis issues.

Therefore you should acclimate yourself to both kinds of hummers. And fast.


My Sweetest Boy
Richard Cranium said:
Anyone ever notice it's these lil-dick Mustang queers trying to show their "macho-manness" on the road?

limblips said:
You know, I have witnessed this. And how about those mini-penis dudes in the jacked up 4X4's? And the phallically challenged ones in the sports cars? And then there are those attempting to overcome their "shortcomings" with foreign cars with fart-can mufflers. But let us not forget all the other sub-average length people that drive your run of the mill grocery getters. I even believe that there are some forumites that attempt to overshadow their lack of physical endowment by acting "large" on the forums. What say you?




MDChick said:
I think it's a Southern Maryland custom to throw your burning trash out the window...

I know when I go to McDonalds, when I'm finished, I put all my garbage into the bag, light the bag on fire, and when I got some good flames going on, I stop the car, and throw it directly into the window of the first passing car I see.


All Up In Your Grill
I saw something similar to this this morning. I was on Branch Avenue, at Silver Hill Road. Champagne Ford Escape with Waldorf Ford Sticker going north (I got the tag number too). Person in the PASSENGERS side tossed a water bottle up in the air. It landed right on the roof of a car making a left turn. I guarantee the person in the car had the shat scared out of them when it landed on their roof.


New Member
elaine said:
You must be really special. I can honestly say I've only had one cigarette butt come my way.

So did the butt thrown at you ricochet off the road and divider and get stuck in your sleeve like it did to me? Good times.

Don't you find it interesting that people are smart enough to operate a vehicle, yet can't figure out how to work a simple ashtray?


I know nothing
limblips said:
You know, I have witnessed this. And how about those mini-penis dudes in the jacked up 4X4's? And the phallically challenged ones in the sports cars? And then there are those attempting to overcome their "shortcomings" with foreign cars with fart-can mufflers. But let us not forget all the other sub-average length people that drive your run of the mill grocery getters. I even believe that there are some forumites that attempt to overshadow their lack of physical endowment by acting "large" on the forums. What say you?

I have a small penis and drive a mini van.... So Show me some sympathy when I decide to jack up my jeep or purchase a 25 Active Thunder this summer.


professional daydreamer
MDChick said:
So did the butt thrown at you ricochet off the road and divider and get stuck in your sleeve like it did to me? Good times.

Don't you find it interesting that people are smart enough to operate a vehicle, yet can't figure out how to work a simple ashtray?

Not all cars have ash trays. I had to buy one for my car.


New Member
elaine said:
Not all cars have ash trays. I had to buy one for my car.

Well that makes it okay. :smack:

Food and soda cans will fit in the cupholder and work just as well. Assuming they weren't thrown out the window after the contents had been consumed.

If the driver or passenger is resourceful enough to light the cigarette without the "smoker's package", they should have enough sense to dispose of it properly as well.
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Baby blues
MDChick said:
Well that makes it okay. :smack:

Food and soda cans will fit in the cupholder and work just as well. Assuming they weren't thrown out the window after the contents had been consumed.

If the driver or passenger is resourceful enough to light the cigarette without the "smoker's package", they should have enough sense to dispose of it properly as well.

You biotch alot about stuff. Does anything make you happy?


Well-Known Member
elaine said:
You must be really special. I can honestly say I've only had one cigarette butt come my way.

lucky you; try riding up to d.c. from st. marys--it's like nonstop! :burning: :cussing:


In My Opinion
MDChick said:
Killing kittens makes me happy. :evil:
here is a clue.
on a forum that has a heading for just about every animal known to man, and some that have not been identified as of yet, Its best not to talk about killing any animal.

I wont even talk about killing spiders in here. (cause I would never do such a thing)