If your kid ever has a muslim bus driver...


New Member
If your kid ever has a ... 03-17-2007 12:54 AM And you always Kerad yourself. Have you ever thought of giving yourself a lobotomy? Consider it. It will do you a world of good.

Wow!!! Twice with the same post, you have prven yourself to be the scared little biotch you are. Poor baby...can't you debate me out in the open? No..of course you can't. You piss yourself when confronted.

Poor baby.

The Republicans tremble...as always.


Well-Known Member
I had a heads-up...

three summers ago that there would be a massive action against a school. This came from an "analyst"...sure enough: two months later the Moslems butchered those kids in the Russian school: dozens were killed.

Sometimes I wish I had more access to the real "loop" but then I wouldn't be able to post it on the forum would I? Do we have "sleeper cells" in moslem countries ready to respond in kind once we confirm the origin of the attackers?
There are dozens of those radical schools paid for with Saudi $$ breeding junior terrorists every day. How about a C02 leak?

Vigilence: a key element still missing from the diet of every American.


New Member
Hessian said:
three summers ago that there would be a massive action against a school. This came from an "analyst"...sure enough: two months later the Moslems butchered those kids in the Russian school: dozens were killed.

Sometimes I wish I had more access to the real "loop" but then I wouldn't be able to post it on the forum would I? Do we have "sleeper cells" in moslem countries ready to respond in kind once we confirm the origin of the attackers?
There are dozens of those radical schools paid for with Saudi $$ breeding junior terrorists every day. How about a C02 leak?

Vigilence: a key element still missing from the diet of every American.

Which Moslem sect was Timothy McVeigh practicing? Oh...yeah...He was Catholic.
So....what ya think about warring against them???

Who taught the 9/11 hijackers to fly planes? Hmmmm...

We should destroy them, too.


New Member
Ohhh...poor baby ran out of lotion?

Guess what. I can find out who you are...IRL.

See Ya Real soon, toughie. :yay:


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
If you're talking to me, jackass, this is the only name I have. If I had other names, don't you think I'd be nice to people to get some green, then give myself green to boost my karma? I know how some of you whine and complain about it...I think it's hilarious and juvenile...I can't even give red, doofus.

Then...you have nothing to be concerned about. Right?


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Sure don't. Figured I'd answer since you called me by name though. That, and I'm awake and bored.

Did I call you by name? Interesting. Link that up for me, Sport.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Do you not get it? dickHead? Richard Cranium? Ugh!

BTW thanks for the red :howdy:

You're welcome. I signed it, didn't I. Seems I'm the only one with a pair around here.

Though we'll soon have names for the dickless wonders. It'll be fun! :yay:

Richard Cranium

New Member
Back to the topic at hand....now that we've gotten that whole identity #### outta the way...

I don't buy this anti-Muslim BS for a second. It's nothing more than a propaganda ploy by the Israeli-controlled media to instill a further general and blind hatred for Muslims by Americans.

Someone tell me why we are in Iraq, and why we are considering Iran?

Israel capitalized on 9/11. Not only did they get the US to go into Iraq and kill thousands of Muslims, but now they've successfully got Iran/Ahmadinejad labeled as part of the "Axis of Evil".

You want an "Axis of Evil"? Okay, I'll name it:

Ehud Olmert. The IDF. AIPAC.


New Member
Seems to be a bunch of crickets now. It IS 3:30am...so we can read tomorrow.

Let me ask you a politically charged question...sure to bring the karma bombers out. Strange..how the karma-bombers mimic the real-life car bombers in Iraq.



It IS a given conclusion that we (the U.S) are completely pro-Isreal and Pro-Saudi-Arabia...but....

Isn't it interesting that the news is focused on Iran's support of the Shias...the one's "we" put in charge after getting rid of Saddam...and we don't like that.

But...we are okay with the support the Sunni's (Saddam's party) are getting from our good buddy's from Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is interesting...because of..well...all the 9/11 hijackers that came from there.

Or am I mistaken ??? It's very confusing.

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Richard Cranium

New Member
If you haven't kept up with the entire region and our relationship with each country before 9/11, it's tough to get a solid grip on everything that's going on over there. It's actually not all that difficult. The Saudis have enjoyed a working relationship with Americans for a long time. The US didn't have interests in the area (beyond the Saudis) until Israel bombed a facility in Iraq in the 80's. Next thing you know, the US is in Iraq not once, but twice, and now threatening Iran.

Israel picks the fights, and our soldiers die.

Let them reap what they sow.


Methodically disorganized
2ndAmendment said:
But if one or more of them were part of a sleeper cell and they hijacked a school bus full of kids, how would you feel about them then? That is the point.
I think we're addressing separate points. I was saying there are people - a few of them right here - who claim we ought to kill all the Muslims to have peace. I don't see how such an argument can be supported.

To answer your question, if any of the Muslims I know hijacked a school bus and/or executed a bunch of kids I would want them caught quickly and given a due sentence. My best friend is a white, middle class guy in his 30s - and a devout Christian, and I would expect the same fate for him if he committed the same actions.

2ndAmendment said:
The natural, inalienable right of self defense tells me that if an Islamic whack job or a whack job of any variety threatens my loved ones, me, or even an stranger, I will defend by any level of force I find necessary.
As to your second part: I concur. :yay:


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Not directly, but have you seen numbers pertaining to how many Israeli nationals did not go to work in the towers that morning? They knew.

You're crazy if you think this has nothing to do with Israel. :jameo:
Alot of people knew. Did you not see the story of the boy who looked up at the WTC towers in school and said, "They won't be there tomorrow."

There was enough intelligence to put the pieces together, and Israel has the best intelligence in the world.