I'm a Zorn-Again Believer


All Up In Your Grill
Confidence! He's showing his players he has confidence in them. It's contagious. I'm not sure I'm ready to guzzle the Kool-Aid just yet, but the shooters the last few weeks are tasting really good. :yay:

Hip Hip HOORAY!!!!

Cooley was on DC101 this morning. Elliott asked him what was up with the Hip Hip Hooray from last week, and he said that's what Zorn used to do when they won games back in his day. IT kinda just came up outta the blue last week, so yesterday they were in the locker room and Cooley started them doing the Hip Hip Hooray thing again.

No, I'm not jumping on the Redskins bandwagon, but they are playing good ball, and that "0" next to "Offensive turnovers" is rather impressive.