I'm going to die with the Cancer


It's a Jeep thang!
Masturbation doesnt our I would be dead from cancer by now. :coffee:

oh yea?


Men who are very sexually active in their twenties and thirties are more likely to develop prostate cancer, especially if they masturbate frequently, according to a study of more than 800 men published in the January issue of BJU International.

However the UK research team also found that frequent sexual activity in a man’s forties appears to have little effect and even small levels of activity in a man’s fifties could offer protection from the disease. Most of the differences were attributed to masturbation rather than sexual intercourse. read more at: Sex, masturbation linked to higher cancer risk | ScienceBlog.com


oh yea?


Men who are very sexually active in their twenties and thirties are more likely to develop prostate cancer, especially if they masturbate frequently, according to a study of more than 800 men published in the January issue of BJU International.

However the UK research team also found that frequent sexual activity in a man’s forties appears to have little effect and even small levels of activity in a man’s fifties could offer protection from the disease. Most of the differences were attributed to masturbation rather than sexual intercourse. read more at: Sex, masturbation linked to higher cancer risk | ScienceBlog.com
So do a hand job from a woman count as masturbation or sex?

:shrug: What?


I bowl overhand
Men who are very sexually active in their twenties and thirties are more likely to develop prostate cancer, especially if they masturbate frequently, according to a study of more than 800 men published in the January issue of BJU International.

if you weren't screwed then, you are now..

Is that a nicer of way of putting it... hell, I'm amazed I lived this long if it causes cancer..

I'm blind AND I have a TUMAH!!

ANd the story is from BJ U??? REALLY??