I'm in rare form today...

Nanny Pam

kwillia said:
If it is a problem of "backed up" sinuses, I recommend Mucinex-D which is a prescription strength OTC expectorant which should help break up the snot is clogging up your head. :yay:
That stuff ROCKS~! :yay: I always keep some on hand.


Cleopatra Jones
My karma suggesting I may be pregnant... It could happen but the last two times I was knocked up I was sick to my stomach and my boobs hurt not my face. Sooooo, I'm gonna go with most likely a sinus infection as I've never even heard of sinusitus being associated with pregnancy.....


New Member
pixiegirl said:
My karma suggesting I may be pregnant... It could happen but the last two times I was knocked up I was sick to my stomach and my boobs hurt not my face. Sooooo, I'm gonna go with most likely a sinus infection as I've never even heard of sinusitus being associated with pregnancy.....

I'd stick with sinus infection. Bet you your nose will be running by tomorrow.


Salt Life
baileydog said:
Go to the flippen store and buy that nose thingy, people are swearing by it.
I started a thread about it last week. I can't seem to hold my head at the right angle, so I can't give a good opinion. :lol:


I wanna be a SMIB
Chasey_Lane said:
I started a thread about it last week. I can't seem to hold my head at the right angle, so I can't give a good opinion. :lol:

I dont like anything liquid going in my nose like sprays and mists, ick,Unless Im dying, I will never try it. But those who have seem to swear by it. Said they had immediate relief.


Who ever suggested that you might be pregnant may be on to something! Some women will get sinus trouble when pregnant. I new a girl whose nose stayed clogged from the time she found out till the time she dropped the calf! It might not be a bad idea to go get a home pregnancy test just to rule it out. Especially since its so on again off again kind of thing. JMHO! :huggy:


Cleopatra Jones
Mousebaby said:
Who ever suggested that you might be pregnant may be on to something! Some women will get sinus trouble when pregnant. I new a girl whose nose stayed clogged from the time she found out till the time she dropped the calf! It might not be a bad idea to go get a home pregnancy test just to rule it out. Especially since its so on again off again kind of thing. JMHO! :huggy:

We're both fixed. If I'm pregnant it's a true act of God; especially since my friend is visiting.

I felt fine ALL day yesterday. About halfway through the evening my nose started running. I barely slept because whatever side I was on got stopped up. Today I can't breathe and my throat is scratchy. :bawl: I never get sick; someone hold me.


Pixie I think its time you make a visit to the doctor to get some good medication to get you all better so you don't suffer all summer long. I know with me and my allergies I use flonase and that stuff works wonders but it is only doctor prescribed.