I'm leaving - bye bye!


Cleopatra Jones
If that worked I'd never stop playing with mine, lol. Ok seriously embarrassing story. I was a lot heavier and better endowed in high school then I am now. When I turned 18 I hit a growth spurt, grew almost 4 inches in height, lost 20 pounds and my boobs shrunk to about half the size they were before. I had dated the same guy from the time I was 15 until 18. My parents, my bf and I were all standing in line at Wendy's. My mom said something about me needing to go to the doctor because I had lost so much weight. I said something about being pissed that I had lost my boobs. Here comes my dad in front of God and everybody with "Well if you'd stop letting Billy play with them they'd stop shrinking!" I thought I was going to die.

So if anyone ever wonders what's wrong with me... It was my parents. I had NO chance of being normal, lol.


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I'm baaaack - did ya miss me?

Originally posted by BchBns

she had to up and leave, and now the rest of us are complaining about our chests ... (too big/too small) ... :bawl:
:lmao: I can't believe all this boob talk and the guys have just disappeared. :roflmao:


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Re: Re: I'm baaaack - did ya miss me?

Originally posted by BchBns

what'd ya get for us? :biggrin: any new B.O.B.s?

oh, welcome back, btw :howdy: :wink:
Nope, no BOB's - the wind up is still working (he's always working). :roflmao:

Let's see what I got for you guys:
Watercolor, I brought you some haircolor for the scare I gave you. :razz:
Pixie, I got some diamonds but you'll have to work on them for awhile or we can use them in the grill. :cool:
Catt, nobody's teaching the kids. They're teenagers and they know it all! :whip:
Cariblue and RoseRed, yep it's all my fault. Where's my spanking? :spank:
SxyPrincess, You get the mosquito spray for those "bites". :wink:

Did I forget anyone?


New Member
Re: Re: Re: I'm baaaack - did ya miss me?

Originally posted by Sharon
SxyPrincess, You get the mosquito spray for those "bites". :wink:

Thanks, Sharon. :cheers: Btw, I found a new puppy for you:



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: I'm baaaack - did ya miss me?

Originally posted by Sharon
:lmao: I can't believe all this boob talk and the guys have just disappeared. :roflmao:
I, for one, left work early and missed out on all this knocker-chat.

But I'm sure a few of the men folks here popped in and looked over the thread! You gals were just too busy to notice. :lol:


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Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm baaaack - did ya miss me?

Originally posted by SxyPrincess

Thanks, Sharon. :cheers: Btw, I found a new puppy for you:

Cool! Should I sit next to the hydrant? :biggrin:


yeah yeah
Re: Re: Re: I'm baaaack - did ya miss me?

Originally posted by Sharon
Let's see what I got for you guys:
Watercolor, I brought you some haircolor for the scare I gave you. :razz:

well....thanks for the kind gesture and I will gladly take you up on it. But I think after this body wave..my poor blond brain cells have huffed enough chemicals for the next 3 months. Gotta give them a break sometime. Ok...shut up anyone who is about to bust out with "well they are never working are they?" (jess would say something like that)


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm baaaack - did ya miss me?

Originally posted by SxyPrincess

Ok good - I though maybe you were pissed at me. :lmao: