I'm not very political....but this one hit me hard


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
...your own words.
Okay, THAT was freaky! Larry must be at home on my computer and forgot to log out as me before he posted. :lol:

The rest of the posts were me, just not that one. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Until SS and healthcare are taken care of the World will remain unstable.
HELLO??? Do you think Iraqis had healthcare or Social Security??? Or are you just talking about us? And, if you are, how does us having government handouts promote world peace???

Plus China is still communist as is North Korea....
As is Cuba. What would you say if Bush made the announcement that we were going to start bombing all those countries because they were Communist?

You ARE right about one thing - Communism is bad for the world economy and particularly bad for the people who have to live under it. So if you're advocating deposing ALL Communist dictators, I'm right there with ya.


vraiblonde said:
Dems, that whole post was...well, I'd say retarded but I promised not to use that term anymore.

The part I quoted above, however, made me laugh out loud and I couldn't let it pass. You DO realize, don't you, that prior to the US going into Iraq, Saddam did NOT live in a hole in the ground, but bided his time shuttling between several luxurious palaces? He isn't particularly old, nor was he decrepit until he had to hide from the Americans and live on candy bars.

Vrai... I just see him as old, feeble and harmless these days.... as he has been for the past 10 or so years :shrug: Glad I could give you a laugh though :lol:


vraiblonde said:
HELLO??? Do you think Iraqis had healthcare or Social Security??? Or are you just talking about us? And, if you are, how does us having government handouts promote world peace???

As is Cuba. What would you say if Bush made the announcement that we were going to start bombing all those countries because they were Communist?

You ARE right about one thing - Communism is bad for the world economy and particularly bad for the people who have to live under it. So if you're advocating deposing ALL Communist dictators, I'm right there with ya.

I would rather our tax dollars go towards Americans....

I don't want us to go to war with Communism. If we went after North Korea, or Cuba who do you think would back them up... China. The funny thing is, is that China can hit us back where it hurts...home.


dems4me said:
Vrai... I just see him as old, feeble and harmless these days.... as he has been for the past 10 or so years :shrug: Glad I could give you a laugh though :lol:

Don't forget Fidel. He's pretty old and harmless.....didn't he break a hip or something? :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Vrai... I just see him as old, feeble and harmless these days.... as he has been for the past 10 or so years
You really don't pay a lick of attention to the news or current events, do you? What makes you think Saddam has been old, feeble and harmless for the last 10 years? :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
I would rather our tax dollars go towards Americans....
It's interesting how liberals (in general, not necessarily you in particular) want us to send big bucks all over the world to feed, house, clothe and condomize everyone, yet they don't like the idea of us spending money to make it so citizens of those countries don't get drug out of their houses in the middle of the night and tortured because they didn't show proper reverence to a statue of the dictator. Or to prevent their daughters from being captured and taken to a government-sponsored rape room.


Exactly. I don't support the raping of daughters though. I think change should happen from a grassroots level from within a country. Just like us.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Just like us.
:killingme You do realize that our government is a little different than theirs, right? That George Bush isn't sending the National Guard to your house to arrest you for disagreeing with him?

What would you do if that did happen? If Bush had armed guards come and cut body parts off your children until you confessed to whatever they wanted you to confess to?

What if the Bush twins had the Redskins rounded up and beaten because they didn't win their football game?

There IS a grass roots movement in Iraq to become a representative government like we are. They've been trying since before the last Gulf War. They just don't get very far because it's just them against the whole Iraqi military, under Saddam's direction. Where do you think all those new Iraqi military and police recruits are coming from?

They needed help. We provided it. I'd think liberals, in particular, would be ecstatic about that. The ACLU and Amnesty International should have George Bush canonized because this is precisely what they say their own agenda and mission is.


You're all F'in Mad...
UrbanPancake said:
I would probably sh*t bricks....

Wow Cupcake! Your negative Karma is about as far away from minus-ten thousand as I've ever seen it... :popcorn:


Super Genius
dems4me said:
I think there is a hiddenn agenda for this that folks just arn't aware of... cough... cough...hali... cough... cough bur... cough ton.... cough BAk...er... :cough... cough... :shrug:

It is Dick that I hold responsible for this, Bush is a puppet to Cheney.
In case you didn't know this, Cheney has no (zero, zilch, nada) financial ties with Halliburton.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
You are not alone sweetie.. you and the other half of the country don't feel 100% correct in the take over of Iraq and letting Osama get out of the sights of our radar due to overstretching our troops over a threat that was non-existant. :huggy: We are not the World's police and shouldn't be. We are just a country that exists in the world of other countries and cultures. :huggy:
Several things, it isn’t a “take over of Iraq”, it was removing a regime. Which I would say is well on the way. The regime was a threat, not just for WMD, but for all the other 20-odd reasons stated in the IWR. And if you think Osama is beyond our efforts I think you are wrong, I just don’t think you understand the task. I would also offer that you don’t understand radar anymore then the use of forces for any given objective. Look at the manpower that went into locating the Atlanta Olympic bomber. Five years, nothing until he screwed up and got caught. And that was hiding right here where we didn’t have international obstacles in our way.

The quest for Osama in the remote Afghan/Pakistan mountains is a significant chore that cannot be accomplished by shear numbers unless we are willing to accept a very high body count. This area is unimproved and so rugged that it would be a foot soldiers battle that would have them facing many opportunities for ambush. These guys are doing it right, they are taking their time and doing it as safe as it can be. They will close in on him eventually. They can’t rush into an area like Baghdad because there isn’t one. Osama is living in caves, has assistance from many that consider him a hero, and is hiding in a very rugged area that his people know well. He has the advantage, we have the persistence, time will tell which is the best.
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dems4me said:
Vrai sweets... I love ya', but I have to disagree... there is a difference in your hypothetical and UPs. SH1T happens and accidents happen, life is not perfect, and the tragedies you specified are not preventable... These things you have listed are all accidents or SH1T happens events... not due to the President of our country putting our loved one's at war with no premise and proven false and noncredible information that we as a country were threated by attack of Saddam (some old decrepit man living in a hole)... Where's Osama-Bin-Forgotten????? Why wasn't, or better yet, isn't he, our focal point?

Nonethelss Vrai, I pray for you and your family :huggy: as I do our other troops, :huggy: but this was something ordered by our President, albeit prooven wrong, we are still there, I think there is a hiddenn agenda for this that folks just arn't aware of... cough... cough...hali... cough... cough bur... cough ton.... cough BAk...er... :cough... cough... :shrug:

It is Dick that I hold responsible for this, Bush is a puppet to Cheney. But as long as he is our President I have to support him, it's just hard sometimes when you feel we are over there on hypersuggestable reasons and false pretenses and you hear of all the young kids dying over there DAILY as a result of his bad decisions and lack of threat to the U.S. This whole Iraq thing, just don't pan out with me and I pray daily for those that are over there... No matter what we do to Saddam, it will never bring back the victims that were killed due to him in the years past... :ohwell: I hope you can open-mindedly accept my reasoning...

:huggy: and :smooch: for ya' Vrai. :huggy: You are a very smart woman and such, but I just don't understand why we are picking up the peices from the autrocities of the early 90s... it's been done and nothing we can do can change that other than take over their pipelines on no-bid contracts and the same company that is numerous lawsuits with even the Pentagon... it just doesn't add up... kind of like coincidentally, Katheleen Harris was co-chair of Bush's campaign and it was up to her to decide for Bush to be in office (and things I'm not at liberty to discuss), and then... coincidentally, Cheny was the VP of Haliburton and coincidentally Halliburton has all these nonbid contracts in Iraq and other coincidences that I'm not at liberty to discuss either. Regardless, my heart truly goes out to these troops, I pray for them for the good Lord to look after them daily, and I hope they come home safely and very quickly. :patriot:

:yeahthat: dems4me! :howdy: