I'm not waiting forever

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
why is it that everythime i find someone they just walk all over me....? i just dont understand what im doing soo wrong. Matthew baby please come back to i miss you soo much i dont understand why we fell apart you said you are confussed but right now you are confussing me one min you say you just want to be friends and now you text me all the time sayin when we going to chill and i miss you and like you alot..... i just wish you would make your mind up befor it is too late cuz im not going to wait for ever you cant have your cake and eat it too baby you get the dumb trick that cheated on you 3 times or you can have me [the real wifey type] i would of gave you the world boy! you didnt even give me a chance but baby i will always love my geek ;] i hope you get ya #### together and make your mind up befor it is too late

Sounds like Sara needs to make up HER mind...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sara, Sara, Sara... :shakeshead:

Ten years from now, she's going to be hard-pressed to even remember this guy's name, yet here are her words recorded for posterity.



Pagin Dr. Phil... or should I page Maury:baby: you are not the father :lmao:


Ummmmm ....

I've seen these before but I can't remember where I found them ... Can you provide the link? I need a good laugh!!!


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Sara, Sara, Sara... :shakeshead:

Ten years from now, she's going to be hard-pressed to even remember this guy's name, yet here are her words recorded for posterity.


Not always. I know several people that don't know how to let go of things.


Dear Sara,

Please re-visit school. Learn to speak and write correctly and better yet, learn to use your brain. Doing so will save you from quite a few problems in life.


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