I'm ready now.....


We can have the baby.
In a panic I ran out last night and got the rest of everything I needed for the baby. Ever since the baby dropped in the past 3 days I have been feeling things, certain pains, settling in my pelvis, my leg even felt like it was coming out of the socket at one point. Also this urgency to get everything NOW. Baby bag is packed and today I'll pack my hospital bag.

Lovin, are you ready? I mean, you're the pro, even though I have 1 child I never felt any labor, not even dropping.

Anybody else have that urgency/panic at the end?


Throwing the deuces
We can have the baby.
In a panic I ran out last night and got the rest of everything I needed for the baby. Ever since the baby dropped in the past 3 days I have been feeling things, certain pains, settling in my pelvis, my leg even felt like it was coming out of the socket at one point. Also this urgency to get everything NOW. Baby bag is packed and today I'll pack my hospital bag.

Lovin, are you ready? I mean, you're the pro, even though I have 1 child I never felt any labor, not even dropping.

Anybody else have that urgency/panic at the end?

With my first kid, I had bags packed but only because I didn't know when I'd need them. He ended up being 2 weeks late and they induced. With my second, I figured he'd be late too so I didn't do anything to get ready. I ended up going to a regular appointment about 3 weeks before my due date and they said I was 7cm dialated and in labor. I felt nothing. They told me to go to the hospital immediately. I said no because I had no arrangements as to where to take our then 3 yr old. No bags packed. Nothing!! I told them that if I started feeling anything I'd go in. I went home and got stuff ready but didn't go into the hospital until almost 2 days later, still not feeling any pain but was bleeding.


With my first kid, I had bags packed but only because I didn't know when I'd need them. He ended up being 2 weeks late and they induced. With my second, I figured he'd be late too so I didn't do anything to get ready. I ended up going to a regular appointment about 3 weeks before my due date and they said I was 7cm dialated and in labor. I felt nothing. They told me to go to the hospital immediately. I said no because I had no arrangements as to where to take our then 3 yr old. No bags packed. Nothing!! I told them that if I started feeling anything I'd go in. I went home and got stuff ready but didn't go into the hospital until almost 2 days later, still not feeling any pain but was bleeding.

Whoa. I love hearing all the possibilities.... I really think deep down inside we know when to react and right now my body says get ready.

I got everything ready for the boy and the pups too :yay:
We can have the baby.
In a panic I ran out last night and got the rest of everything I needed for the baby. Ever since the baby dropped in the past 3 days I have been feeling things, certain pains, settling in my pelvis, my leg even felt like it was coming out of the socket at one point. Also this urgency to get everything NOW. Baby bag is packed and today I'll pack my hospital bag.

Lovin, are you ready? I mean, you're the pro, even though I have 1 child I never felt any labor, not even dropping.

Anybody else have that urgency/panic at the end?
I got my "nesting panic" about a month prior to the onset of labor for both my babies.


Salt Life
My sister is due in 3 weeks. She's got several bags packed - one for her, one for the dad, one for the grandfather (her dad/my stepdad) and one for my other sister. I think she's more than ready! :lol:


Well-Known Member
The only one I wasn't packed and ready for was the last one. I had a planned c-section on the 28th. She came on the 26th, three weeks before my due date.


chasey does your sister think everyone is going to move into the hospital with her when she has the baby LOL ?

When are you due chasey?


Soul Probe
We can have the baby.
In a panic I ran out last night and got the rest of everything I needed for the baby. Ever since the baby dropped in the past 3 days I have been feeling things, certain pains, settling in my pelvis, my leg even felt like it was coming out of the socket at one point. Also this urgency to get everything NOW. Baby bag is packed and today I'll pack my hospital bag.

Lovin, are you ready? I mean, you're the pro, even though I have 1 child I never felt any labor, not even dropping.

Anybody else have that urgency/panic at the end?

With #1, I was packed and ready to go early as I didn't know what to expect.

With #2, I was barely prepared, but winging it posed no problems.

With #3, I finished my prep when I dropped (much like you're doing now).

With #4, I got pregnant with her so fast I didn't have time to unpack from #3! No preparation was really needed, as it was already there.

Four kids, all done differently. :lol:

Bottom line...trust your instincts. :yay:


then why does it say its a boy due october 2009 so i gussed she was preggers unless soemone else is and she just put it on as one of her quotes.


BTS, Morningbell, I dropped a little over a month before labor.
I have heard this before.... I'm skerd, I feel like it's happening already.

My sister is due in 3 weeks. She's got several bags packed - one for her, one for the dad, one for the grandfather (her dad/my stepdad) and one for my other sister. I think she's more than ready! :lol:
:faint: Silly things us pregnant women do :lmao:

With #1, I was packed and ready to go early as I didn't know what to expect.

With #2, I was barely prepared, but winging it posed no problems.

With #3, I finished my prep when I dropped (much like you're doing now).

With #4, I got pregnant with her so fast I didn't have time to unpack from #3! No preparation was really needed, as it was already there.

Four kids, all done differently. :lol:

Bottom line...trust your instincts. :yay:

Who is that guy? Ed Zachary?

then why does it say its a boy due october 2009 so i gussed she was preggers unless soemone else is and she just put it on as one of her quotes.

She is going to be an aunt :clap:
With my first... 2 1/2 weeks before labor... I went through a bout of Braston Hicks I thought for sure was the real deal... became really noticable at 20 minutes apart, progressed to 5 minutes apart... went to the hospital only to be told I was "practicing" go back home and wait for the real deal. Sure enough it was only practice...:ohwell:


Well-Known Member
Good for you girl! Glad you have everything together and are ready to go!

I have nothing packed :lol: I have never gone early, I have always been late and had to be induced w/ the previous 4.

Dr. Polko told me when I was pregnant w/ Baby Jack that since it had been so long between the other kids that it would be like being pregnant for the first time again (in regards to labor, dropping, etc...)


New Member
In spite of any past disagreements, fusses, I wish all the present, soon to be, & future Moms all the best with their new family additions. u r welcome in advance. See I can be nice after all. After all I am a Libra also.

That was nice of ya!


I am so excited for you! :clap: Could you remind me when you are due again?


Well-Known Member
Dr. Polko told me when I was pregnant w/ Baby Jack that since it had been so long between the other kids that it would be like being pregnant for the first time again (in regards to labor, dropping, etc...)

I was told that as well with the 17 year difference in pregnancies. They said it's like the first one all over again.
I knew it was the "real deal" baby day with both... For both, my water broke while I was sleeping...:doh: One of my fav baby stories is when my water broke at 2 a.m. with our first baby and I shook the hubby awake saying, "Hey, we are going to have a baby." Thinking it was another one of my pregnancy middle-of-the-night philisophical moments he said, "Yes dear. Yes we are and proceed to go right back to sleep." :lol: I said, "Ummm. today. We are having a baby today... my water just broke." He jumped straight out of bed as if his azz caught on fire...:lol: