I'm ready now.....



I was told that as well with the 17 year difference in pregnancies. They said it's like the first one all over again.

wow that is quite an age difference between your kids. How does the older one like the younger one?


Well-Known Member
I knew it was the "real deal" baby day with both... For both, my water broke while I was sleeping...:doh: One of my fav baby stories is when my water broke at 2 a.m. with our first baby and I shook the hubby awake saying, "Hey, we are going to have a baby." Thinking it was another one of my pregnancy middle-of-the-night philisophical moments he said, "Yes dear. Yes we are and proceed to go right back to sleep." :lol: I said, "Ummm. today. We are having a baby today... my water just broke." He jumped straight out of bed as if his azz caught on fire...:lol:


I would love to have a funny story like that! for some reason my babies like to cook longer than normal :lol:


The oldest one is jealous of her, the middle one could care less. He's only seen her twice.

that isn't good the oldest is jealous. Its not like you ditched him/her and give all the love to the baby. I am the youngest and I am not jealous of my brother at all as a matter of fact my brother doesn't even live in the same state anymore.


So any news? How long do they say after you drop do you normally go into labor?

"Yep, uh-huh, sounds about right".... my Dr is my yes man :lamo:

Today was my official last day of work. It wasn't as crazy as it was on Saturday night when I worked, I SWORE I was going to go into labor on Saturday night when I came home from work, I felt things moving down, possibly opening? Turns out it was just back pain and some serious practice contractions but I'll need an internal to see if my cervix is open.

The woman doing the child birthing classes at SMH said that because of the space between my son and this one it could be like I'm starting over..... so I guess then 4 more weeks it it :ohwell:

How about you? Any feelings/signs that labor is near? I'm hoping this moon should be helping us bring labor along....
"Yep, uh-huh, sounds about right".... my Dr is my yes man :lamo:

Today was my official last day of work. It wasn't as crazy as it was on Saturday night when I worked, I SWORE I was going to go into labor on Saturday night when I came home from work, I felt things moving down, possibly opening? Turns out it was just back pain and some serious practice contractions but I'll need an internal to see if my cervix is open.

The woman doing the child birthing classes at SMH said that because of the space between my son and this one it could be like I'm starting over..... so I guess then 4 more weeks it it :ohwell:

How about you? Any feelings/signs that labor is near? I'm hoping this moon should be helping us bring labor along....
Why on earth would you want to deliver your baby 4 weeks early...:confused:


Well-Known Member
"Yep, uh-huh, sounds about right".... my Dr is my yes man :lamo:

Today was my official last day of work. It wasn't as crazy as it was on Saturday night when I worked, I SWORE I was going to go into labor on Saturday night when I came home from work, I felt things moving down, possibly opening? Turns out it was just back pain and some serious practice contractions but I'll need an internal to see if my cervix is open.

The woman doing the child birthing classes at SMH said that because of the space between my son and this one it could be like I'm starting over..... so I guess then 4 more weeks it it :ohwell:

How about you? Any feelings/signs that labor is near? I'm hoping this moon should be helping us bring labor along....

Nope nothing new my way... I am 1 centimeter dialated :bigwhoop:

I am so exhausted I am ready... but then again I am not ready mentally, financially, etc... So I am content w/ being miserably big and preggo :sigh:


Why on earth would you want to deliver your baby 4 weeks early...:confused:

First, I really think my due date is off. I was keeping track of my cycle in the beginning when we first started trying to get pregnant. The further we got into it it was becoming frustrating keeping track and nothing happening. Then came school and I wasn't keeping track at all. So my last cycle was a guesstimate. Other reasons for delivering 4 weeks early.... there is no more room for this baby to go. My first child was 10lbs 5oz and a week late, this one isn't as big but there is no room left in my short torso.

In my birthing class they said that anything from 37 weeks on is considered full term.

Nope nothing new my way... I am 1 centimeter dialated :bigwhoop:

I am so exhausted I am ready... but then again I am not ready mentally, financially, etc... So I am content w/ being miserably big and preggo :sigh:

I am really tired too, just the few hours I worked this morning has me :yawn:
Plus the constant waking at night to pee.... do we really get any good sleep? As far as you're concerned, you need it to be over.... soon. I feel for you :huggy:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
We can have the baby.
In a panic I ran out last night and got the rest of everything I needed for the baby. Ever since the baby dropped in the past 3 days I have been feeling things, certain pains, settling in my pelvis, my leg even felt like it was coming out of the socket at one point. Also this urgency to get everything NOW. Baby bag is packed and today I'll pack my hospital bag.

Lovin, are you ready? I mean, you're the pro, even though I have 1 child I never felt any labor, not even dropping.

Anybody else have that urgency/panic at the end?


First, I really think my due date is off. I was keeping track of my cycle in the beginning when we first started trying to get pregnant. The further we got into it it was becoming frustrating keeping track and nothing happening. Then came school and I wasn't keeping track at all. So my last cycle was a guesstimate. Other reasons for delivering 4 weeks early.... there is no more room for this baby to go. My first child was 10lbs 5oz and a week late, this one isn't as big but there is no room left in my short torso.

In my birthing class they said that anything from 37 weeks on is considered full term.

Gotcha... it's the normal "wishful thinking" in the last month ramblings...:lol: I wish for you a happy health baby that doesn't make it's presentation until it's done baking! Hang in there!