I'm so excited!


New Member

Ahhhh, the debate never dies! I love this place! :love:

So...is there really a dressage instructor certification?

fwiw - I have no certificates, credentials, or teaching insurance. I am not an instructor ... I just ride my horses and hang on for dear life!:yay:

are you supposed to be making a joke?


New Member
its good to know that I have touched so many that you ove to talk about me. you must really like me:buddies:


Ahhhh Florida!
Good luck with your dressage escapades (sp?) I am sure Lynn will be disappointed that you have taken up with a different professional. :popcorn: What finals did you place in BTW? I keep checking references but you would be interested to see what I have been finding out.:whistle:


Yeah, heard that one when I was in my teens (LONG AGO) when he performed at the WIHS.