I'm so not a gardener

workin hard said:

Where did you get it from?
Go to the Greenery. I think it is the 2nd row of bushes from the front fence on the right of the building. They are beautiful. You can't miss them. I picked up three of them.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
jazz lady said:
Gee, THAT sounds familiar. :whistle:


I love my lilacs, but they bloom for only a short period of time. I planted two special ones last year that are supposed to bloom 4 times a year, but so far they're not doing as well as I had hoped. :ohwell:
I just planted some dwarf crepe myrtles. They bloom longer than anything else in the yard. They come in all kinds of colors and sizes too. That's my new favorite shrub. :banana:
kwillia said:
Go to the Greenery. I think it is the 2nd row of bushes from the front fence on the right of the building. They are beautiful. You can't miss them. I picked up three of them.
Is that in Hollywood?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
FancyBelle said:
I just planted some dwarf crepe myrtles. They bloom longer than anything else in the yard. They come in all kinds of colors and sizes too. That's my new favorite shrub. :banana:
:yay: I love crepe myrtles but don't have any yet. I'm waiting for the crepe myrtle festival at Homestead Gardens to pick up a few. I didn't realize they came in a dwarf size. Where did you get them from?


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
jazz lady said:
:yay: I love crepe myrtles but don't have any yet. I'm waiting for the crepe myrtle festival at Homestead Gardens to pick up a few. I didn't realize they came in a dwarf size. Where did you get them from?
Ordered them onlline from http://www.crapemyrtles.com/. The plants were in excellent shape. I ordered 6 and they sent me 8. They all lived and look great. Anywhere from 12 inches to 8 ft trees. Where is Homestead Gardens?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
workin hard said:
but I would love to landscape the front to the new house with pretty flowers and bushes. They have lots of green waxy bushes there now but I would love to replace them with something pretty that flowers alot. It is on the front of the house which gets a good bit of sunlight every day. Any suggestions?
I can think of at least three "nice looking plants for people who don't know gardening". They are hostas, azaleas and rhododendrons. I'd maybe add different kinds of lilies like daylilies, tiger lilies or cannae lilies. VERY easy to maintain.

JUST above that would be roses, which flourish best in sunlight. They do require maintenance - clipping of dead heads, trimming and pruning - but the upside is, you'll always have fresh flowers, as roses pump out flowers *continually*.

Marigolds are also easy, for annuals - and they make a decent pest guard.

For bulbs, tulips and daffodils are fairly easy. Just plant 'em regularly.

Most ornamental grasses are EASY.

Same with most shrubs. Plant 'em and walk away. Some, like arborvitae and euonymous are VERY easy, and attractive.