Impeaching Biden


Well-Known Member
All you guys do is seek revenge, name call and try to demonize the other side.

Seriously? Revenge as in democrats starting impeachment proceedings as soon as they flipped the house? Revenge for the Clinton impeachment. Name calling as in President Biden calling MAGA supporters fascists? Demonizing the other side as in saying republicans are out to destroy democracy?

And, oh by the way, the Trump administration proposed an infrastructure bill that was very similar to the one the Biden administration passed. It was unanimously opposed by every democrat in the house.

And I am far from a Trump cultist. I have criticized him numerous times here. But your statement is really a text book example of the pot calling the kettle black!


Well-Known Member
I truly hope the Republicans spend more time on how to win the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives in 2024. Repealing Bidens BS rather than spending too much time on the Biden corruption, not that they should not look at it, but as some one said "at this point what does it really matter". I have raised 3 conservatives and one liberal...I have done my part.

2024 is the turning point for the USA for the next 10 years.

I hope all the egos will stop the marginal wins they desire and let one candidate shine. Otherwise Trump will be nominated and we will lose again.



For the record I am with you 100%. I don't have anything against looking into Biden, but I would rather have them concentrate on things that might advance conservative principles and repealing and blocking progressive ones. Even if they advance legislation in the house that gets shot down in the Senate or by the President, at least they will be on record having proposed something. This trading off impeachments between the parties should stop. I don't think a winning party platform in 2024 is "Hey, we impeached Biden!" It will play with the red meat base, but not much else.

I've been clear that I believe republicans need to nominate someone other than Trump to be successful in 2024. It's too early to know if DeSantis is going to run, but right now he's the only one I think can beat Trump in the primaries. The more people that get in, the greater the chance they all split the vote from those who want to move on from Trump and he will win with a plurality, like he did in 2016. People forget that he failed to get 50% of the vote in the 2016 republican primary. He won because he got roughly 45% of the votes and Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich split most of the other 55%. Trump won by a very small amount of votes in three swing states in 2016. He lost a lot of independents in 2020 and I just don't think he is going to get them back. I really believe we need some new and significantly younger blood in 2024.