I'm only semi following this story, and only because it's all over the news and I can't hardly miss it even though we don't have cable at this RV park so I don't have Gutfeld telling me what to think.
It appears that, since this isn't a real hearing or anything legitimate, there's no transparency and the soundbites coming out are selected by the Democrats for their own political purposes. So we're all trying to listen at the door to a very important meeting, going, "What did he say?" and nobody really knows. The newsbots are going, "Oh, he said THIS!" then we find out a few hours later that that's not what he said at all.
I'm used to the Democrats prattling to rouse their rabble, I get alarmed, and then it comes out that what they're saying isn't even close to the truth. So I'll wait until the official hearings when people are under oath and it's televised so I can see for myself and not have to rely on the biased fakenews media to tell me what happened.
What I do know is that their narrative is messed up and any functioning person should be able to understand that. "Trump paid Ukraine to dig dirt on his political opposition!" Um, not quite. Joe Biden publicly admitted that he threatened Ukraine if they didn't stop investigating his son's shady business dealings - he's right there on video in his own specific words. He clearly engaged in QPQ by his own public admission. Trump said, "Ukraine, we need to get to the bottom of this and also if our elections are being compromised." There is some debate as to whether or not there was a financial carrot attached to Ukraine's cooperation, but that doesn't matter. The investigation should be about Joe Biden, not Trump.
We also know that the Democrats have been trying to impeach our President since the day he was elected, and have repeatedly failed in their attempts to find something - anything - that they could make stick. We spent a freaking fortune on the Mueller report, and that was a bust. For four years we've had nonstop ravings in the news about how this or that or 2 scoops of ice cream is an impeachable act. They keep releasing these fake polls insisting that EVERYONE IN AMERICA!!! wants Trump impeached and hung for treason. They trot out obviously crazy women to say Trump raped them in a freaking dressing room.
It's a bullshit media assault on public opinion and nothing more.
IF the Dems have something impeachable, they should bring it and stop screwing around. Clearly they're trying to run out the clock to 2020 and anyone with a working brain understands that.
We can either do our We the People, of the People, by the People, for the People thing; OR we can just say eff it and let the Leftist media and Democrat Party choose our President instead. No need to bother voting, just let them take over and install whomever they want. Turn our whole country into California and Detroit and Baltimore and NYC and all those other super great places they reign over.
I already know what I choose and I'm not going to change my mind, no matter what CNN and AOC come up with.