impossible question of the day


Well-Known Member
OOOH thats a good answer, I didn't think of that one yesterday. but they got it. ITs a freakin postage stamp. Its been a while since I've even touched a postage stamp.

My daughter got a hold of the end of a roll of stamps yesterday, about 20 stamps left on the roll. She thought they were stickers and stuck them all over. :ohwell: She's not quite 3 yet, guess that makes her a minority. Is there a scholarship available for this minority? It's never to early to start planning.


New Member
Green snot=infection. You take him to the doc?

I personally don't think its bad enough but his PARANOID father is a FREAK!!! He hasn't been running a fever. Its a seasonal thing and I know exactly what they will say to me at Medical. I hate going over there.


New Member
My daughter got a hold of the end of a roll of stamps yesterday, about 20 stamps left on the roll. She thought they were stickers and stuck them all over. :ohwell: She's not quite 3 yet, guess that makes her a minority. Is there a scholarship available for this minority? It's never to early to start planning.

:killingme Thats cute


New Member
I am home with a sick one today too... What's wrong with yous? Mine is :barf:

he hasn't thrown up yet but he gets so much flem in his tummy that it gives him the worse stomachache. he dosn't have a fever. I think he has a sinus infection and its making him cough. DRAINAGE........:barf: