Imus in the Morning


Only happy When It Rains
Is anyone else sick of the Imus controversy? In my opinion this is a non issue. He made a rude joke but nonetheless it was a joke. He is being condemned for this comment yet every local and national newscaster has now used this phrase, on air, in the context of a quote. Why is repeating it not as bad? Furthermore, why does the "African American" community insist that this country abide by a double standard? A white man makes an off color joke and they want him hanged. A black rapper makes the same comments and much worse and that is considered entertainment. R. Kelly has said and done far worse things against the black race and women in general, and yet he is one of the most popular entertainers in black culture. This country suffers from "White Guilt." So afraid to offend because of what someone's ancestors did to someone elses ancestors. Well, personally, my family didn't come to the US until the 1940s so don't try and pin slavery on me. I am Polish and Irish so I have my own problems.

And I love how the 2 biggest names going after Imus, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, have been known to make much worse racial remarks in regards to the white race. But that's ok because they are the oppressed.

I once had a friend tell me that he couldn't be a racist because he is black and has been oppressed for over 400 years. My response: "You look good for someone over 400 years old." I am far from a racist and I have many black friends, but I am sick of people, of any race, using a pst which may not even be theirs as an excuse for not trying in life.

Well that is my tyrade. Bottom line, it's just comedy and if you don't like what someone is saying then don't listen. That's what America is "supposed" to be all about, Freedom Of Speech.



Lem Putt
BigSlam123b said:
That's what America is "supposed" to be all about, Freedom Of Speech.

This isn't a first amendment issue since the government is not involved. He was allowed to speak, and his sponsors are allowed to drop him, and those of us who can't stand him will continue not to listen.

The dumbest thing he did was trying to placate Sharpton, and that move alone earns him all of the grief he's getting.


lower life form
MMDad said:
This isn't a first amendment issue since the government is not involved. He was allowed to speak, and his sponsors are allowed to drop him, and those of us who can't stand him will continue not to listen.

The dumbest thing he did was trying to placate Sharpton, and that move alone earns him all of the grief he's getting.
AMEN!!! Freedom of speech does not mean that his sponsors have gotta continue providing him with a forum to speak in.


Only happy When It Rains
MMDad said:
This isn't a first amendment issue since the government is not involved. He was allowed to speak, and his sponsors are allowed to drop him, and those of us who can't stand him will continue not to listen.

The dumbest thing he did was trying to placate Sharpton, and that move alone earns him all of the grief he's getting.

don't get me wrong, I am not a fan. In my opinion he is old and boring. But he did not do anything wrong. And while the government is not and should not be involved, Sharpton and Jackson are doing their best to try and bring the government in on this.

Chris Rock and Paul Moody make off color slanderous jokes about white poeple and it's funny, but thanks to America's dbl strandard rule, if a white person makes the same type of humour against the black race then he/she is deemed a racist. God Bless F'in America!


Only happy When It Rains
[RED] Imus in the Morning 04-12-2007 09:06 AM almost as sick as i am if seeing you post everything that is in the news


And secondly, I didn't post a news story. I posted my opinion on something so get your facts together before whining about something. Much like my point about Imus and not listening if you don't like him, if you don't like my posts then don't read them.....oh and have a nice day!



Lem Putt
BigSlam123b said:
don't get me wrong, I am not a fan. In my opinion he is old and boring. But he did not do anything wrong. And while the government is not and should not be involved, Sharpton and Jackson are doing their best to try and bring the government in on this.

Chris Rock and Paul Moody make off color slanderous jokes about white poeple and it's funny, but thanks to America's dbl strandard rule, if a white person makes the same type of humour against the black race then he/she is deemed a racist. God Bless F'in America!
There are DJs that can and do make the same type of statements and get away with it, and it does not matter if they are black or white. Why? Because their audience and sponsors see the humor, and they know it was a joke.

By putting his ugly mug onto MSNBC, Imus put himself into the spotlight. If he's dumb enough not to understand the way the system works and what he can say, he deserves everything he gets.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
As long as he doesn't cave in to the Sharpton's and Jacksons any more than he already has,I'd bet that his audience increases when he gets back on the air. Seriously, who listened to him before this? I've seen the show a couple of times but the sound of his voice drove me away quickly.


Only happy When It Rains
Merlin99 said:
As long as he doesn't cave in to the Sharpton's and Jacksons any more than he already has,I'd bet that his audience increases when he gets back on the air. Seriously, who listened to him before this? I've seen the show a couple of times but the sound of his voice drove me away quickly.
That's just it. The old addage "there's no such thing as bad publicity" may be proven here as long as CBS doesn't cave in.


Well-Known Member
BigSlam123b said:
Chris Rock and Paul Moody make off color slanderous jokes about white poeple and it's funny, but thanks to America's dbl strandard rule, if a white person makes the same type of humour against the black race then he/she is deemed a racist. God Bless F'in America!

Have you ever listened to the Opie and ANothony show? They make racist jokes all the time. No one makes a big deal about it. I think people like sharpton just pick and choose who they want to go after.

I think Imus is a dodering old fool so he is an easy target.


Only happy When It Rains
pingrr said:
Have you ever listened to the Opie and ANothony show? They make racist jokes all the time. No one makes a big deal about it.
I listen to O&A Every day. The biggest is Stern though. He freely admits that the main reason he has a black co-host is so that he can get away with the racist stuff.


New Member
pingrr said:
Have you ever listened to the Opie and ANothony show? They make racist jokes all the time. No one makes a big deal about it. I think people like sharpton just pick and choose who they want to go after.

I think Imus is a dodering old fool so he is an easy target.
Opie and Dopie are just, ugh. I get so mad when I hear them. I HATE them.
BigSlam123b said:
I listen to O&A Every day. The biggest is Stern though. He freely admits that the main reason he has a black co-host is so that he can get away with the racist stuff.

That's b.s. Howard Stern is not racist. If he made that comment on his show, I'm quite sure it was meant as a joke.
:roflmao: I think this may be the funniest red karma I've ever received!

Imus in the Morning 04-13-2007 02:33 PM Howard stern is the grand wizard, if you are a stern fan that makes you a racist to- ching chong ping pong


Taking out trailer trash
Why would a grown man in the media use the term 'Nappy Headed Ho's'? That is my question here. Why even for a second would that be appropriate?